i suppose there is no book with this ya title. perhaps a book such as this could unitas, johnny, from the fields of joe montana to the mean streets of philly, joe jones. perhaps this book would be good for the young, steve, as well as for those who are 49ers and 76ers. the book would also include lyrics to old tunes, such as "houston rockets, warren moon shots, spend it on, the have nots." if someone had the flintstones to print such a book, i believe many people would have a gaye old time reading it.
perhaps, a jet, son, could get us into kevin spacey, but it would costas plenty, bob. than we could make a movie of it and we could watch it in our denzels. maybe we could get funding from washington? we could darwin a spot on prime tv. it would be a natural selection. we would title it "the origin of feces." a shit title perhaps, but we have a crap budget. we could film on location in newton.
the film would bart starr atom sandler, and would be written by eve ensler. lamar would make a guess appearance, since he odom alot of money. well, he is a real gasol anyway. he thought he could cut it as a farmar, but his crops were overrun by the river jordan. that's the problem with planting by a nearby laker. well, the next time the guy goes to bynum a house, maybe he'll think twice about the locale. or, one could become a boozer. hey, it's better than driving a carlos what with gas being up to 4 bucks a gallon. jason, they have got to be kidding us with these price mark ups. it is enough to make a man nash his teeth, unless one has stocktons in the gas companies. but, in this system, dwayne, i suppose one has to wade through the garbage. and beyond gas, tony, we often have to pay to parker the antoine carr as well. the thing is jason, i don't have the williams to drive in such a society. i would bettis you anything that you are better off taking a bus or an l trane in today's world.
in the lakers game yesterday, kobe only seemed to be hurt when he had to get back on d. on offense, he felt good enough to take 34 shots. there was one play where he missed a shot, went down when he didn't get the call, forced his team to play 4 on 5, allowing utah to score, but then, when the lakers had the ball again, he had the energy to take the bill to the rim and score! if someone is injured, they are injured all the time, not just on the defensive side of the ball! fuck kobe.
i am tired of being taken for cary granted. by the way, what will they try to bag obama on next? that he once watched a r rated film when he was 15?
that cyclone has been in the news lately. i say we ban the song "shake it like a cyclone" until that situation clears up. seriously, with cyclones and earthquakes and hurricanes, you wouldn't think that we would create more disasters. it makes you realize the whole thing is so arbitrary. 10,000 people just got killed because they happen to live in an area that experienced a natural disaster, as i sit here blogging, very much alive. makes me think of carlin. "if there is a god, maybe, just maybe, he doesn't give a shit." for, where is the "divine plan" in a cyclone? i remember an uncle of tixon's bemoaning the fact "that those people in india who died in that earthquake didn't have time to find jesus." of course, that disaster mainly struck indonesia, but sadly, the religious among us seem just as ignorant when it comes to geography. perhaps that is why they died? you see, they were heathens, thy didn't "know" god. perhaps this explains 9/11, katrina, all the wars. well hey, the old testament god was one violent son of a gun, so why not? just think, katrina as part of a "divine plan," just part of "god's will." so, let's just throw up our hands. don't feed the hungry, for it's god's will that people starve. fascism meets religion. come to think of it, they have gotten along pretty well over the years. now, of course, we have had our share of great religious men and women as well, but proof of the good doesn't wash away proof of the bad. i am tired of religious, no, all pomposity and arrogance. jesus saves? tell that to a guy whose ribs are protruding. we fight for freedom? tell that to a guy whose house is being bulldozed. if you want to ignore suffering, go ahead, but don't disguise your indifference with religion and capitalism.
but, of course, in the end, it's just jobs. if i can hustle, why not hustle on the up and up? if i can sell, why not sell the lord, or "operation enduring freedom?" it's no secret that the greatest hustlers in the world are the legal hustlers, the peddlers of christ and war.
the greatest hustlers in the world are the legal ones. someone should tell that to the prison guards.
ah, they wouldn't hear the message. when your job is dependent upon you being deaf, you don't hear. it's a simple as that. and that is the issue. our jobs, our system in general, are dependent upon our collective blindness and deafness.
peace, helen keller.
1 comment:
jesus saves . . . couldn't save his own ass . . . .
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