i shouldn't click on a blog whose title is "sperm bank."
why is it that everytime i'm watching a game, some stupid guy in charge of the sound system puts harry belafonte on? daaaaaaaaaaaaaaayo! and of course, the mindless zombies in the crowd have to repeat it.
i must be getting really bitter, but it seems to me that there is no such thing as perfect weather anymore. i go from too cold to too hot.
i used to wonder, was i an anarchist, a socialist, a communist, a social democrat, a democratic socialist, an anarcho-communist? i finally realized that i am an angry, alienated asshole. since then, i feel much better.
alot of liberals are concerned that obama and hillary are fighting each other too hard, that democrats need to unite. this struggle is supposedly "bad for america." funny, but i don't recall these people saying that polluted water, cancer causing food, and bad air were harmful to america. they don't seem to be too concerned about "the war on terror" or the murder of innocent people by the police. but this is a problem. they are beating each other up, and this will make it easier for mccain in the general election. punks.
today,eddie, my socially fucked coworker, said "why do we even have unions anyway?" i guess we still have a few admirers of the 14 hour day out there. man, the ignorance.
today, we live in a everyman for himself culture of disconnected, greedy, selfish idiots who have no conception of class struggle. othr than that, they are charming souls.
remember that book, all souls? well, how could a guy write a book about every soul? as soon as it was published, it would be out of date.
"more than any other time in history, man faces a crossroads. one path leads to despair and utter hopelessness. the other, to total extinction. let us pray we have the wisdom to choose correctly."
woody allen from "my speech to the graduates" published in his book "side effects."
bertrand russell on man, from "an outline of intellectual rubbish" taken from "unpopular essays"
"is he not an individual of the species homo sapiens? alone among animals, he has an immortal soul, and is rational. he knows the difference between good and evil, and has learnt the multiplication table. did not god make him in his own image? and was not everything created for his convenience? the sun was made to light the day, and the moon to light the night, though the moon, by some oversight, only shines during half the nocturnal hours. the raw fruits of the earth were made for human sustenance. even the white tails of rabbits, according to some theologians, have a purpose, namely to make it easier for sportsmen to shoot them. there are, it is true, some inconveniences: lions and tigers are too fierce, the summer is too hot and the winter is too cold. but those things only began after adam ate the apple. before that, all animals were vegetarian, and the season was always spring. if only adam had been content with peaches and nectarines, grapes and pears and pineapples, these blessings would still be ours."
i wonder if it was a granny smith. if so, he really messed up. well, up and adam till the eve comes.
1 comment:
In 1924’s "Mein Kampf," Hitler noted, "There is today one state in which at least weak beginnings toward a better conception (of immigration) are noticeable. Of course, it is not our model German Republic, but the United States."
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