did you ever notice how middle aged west indian women still look like they are in the supremes? they haven't gotten the fashion update. still going with the over the top make up, straigtened hair, and church clothes seven days a week. and, worst of all, they are still knocking on my door on saturday mornings. the answer is still no; i don't want to become a jehovah's witness.
when did the detroit pistons become the detroit pissed ons? who is coaching this team, r. kelly? i don't mean to be flip, saunders, but, come on, somebody make a shot before my first social security check comes in. that is, if there are still such things as social security checks.
fuck senior day!
as far as names go, the blues singers were tops; howlin wolf, muddy waters, lightin hopkins, little this, big that. what the hell is jay-z compared to lightin hopkins?
on this memorial day, let us all recognize soulja boy, who judging from his appearance and lyrics, must be suffering from ptsd.
memorial day? it's not far behind the 4th of july and columbus day in the all time holidays that make you puke department.
this is another one of those cook out days, isn't it? fuck cook outs! it's already hot out, and these people need to compound it by putting smoke into the air. hey, patriots! i hope those burgers get all up in your arteries. fucking patriot fuck heads.
on the other hand, if they got rid of all the holidays which celebrate murderers and imperial conquests, i would never have a three day weekend. so, what are we waiting for? how about mobutu day? i say it's time to practice true affirmative action! let us give equal voice to the murderers of the third world. "we killed people too!"
ali beat up foreman under the dead bodies of buried political prisoners. and "the greatest" didn't say a word. can't blame that on his parkinson's. fuck ali.
remember when jesse the body ventura became jesse the mind ventura? that was the same person, right?
but what is a person, anyway?
and, what is a blog?
certainly, not this.
not anymore
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