"rice pushes for mideast peace" yeah, by killing all the non-jews.
"food banks struggle with supply, demand" as in, not enough food, too many hungry people.
"black clergy call wright out of step" left unsaid is that to be in step means to kiss the white man's ass.
"porn stars suffer during strikes" yes, their balls are suffering during the strike.
"fat renewal may be key to obesity" ???
"first lady escapes iraq bomb attack" didn't the first lady die hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of years ago? so, how could she escape an attack that just happened?
"yankees cruise, 8-2" well, if they were cruising, how did they find time to play baseball?
carlin on sex..."between aids and herpes, i may never fuck again."
silberg on sex..."only a man who is getting sex would ever say it is overrated. ask a man who hasn't been laid since clinton was in power if sex is overrated."
ran into silberg the other day. the thing is, i never watch where i am going. in any case, we spoke of many things, fools and kings, and this he said to me.
he told me to shut the fuck up.
and so i will
1 comment:
"A lot of jazz cats are blind, but they can play the piano like nobody's business. I'd like to put the piano in front of Pam . . ."
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