the town of brookline voted to extend the school day an extra 2 hours a week starting next year. 4 of the days will be 20 minutes longer, and 1 day will be 40 minutes longer. man, i found the 6 hour day, and they went and took it from me. these residents are under the illusion that a longer school day is a good thing. many people in our society still seem to think that an institutionalized education is a good thing. in truth, it is far inferior to free time, and the personalized education that develops from people having free time. when do i listen to jazz? my free time. when do i take walks? my free time. when do i read? my free time. extending the school day is a waste of money for the tax payers and a further murdering of young people's lives. it gets back to the job of education, which is to train young people to fit into the existing society. this is the problem. a true education would train people to locate the extent of society's problems, and would stress the necessity of combating those problems before it is too late. furthermore, true education is inner directed. i listen to jazz because i like it, not because i have a class on it for 50 minutes a day. i read a book because i want to, not because a paper is due next week. education in our society, like work, is dictated to us. we are forced to do it, obligated to engage in a curriculum that is already in place and that has nothing to do with our interests. to some extent, this is corrected in college, but by then, the joy of learning has already been killed for most americans. so what do we do? we do more of the same! we make the school day longer, we give more homework, and we create more standardized tests. we are driving down a one way street, and we have concluded that the smartest thing to do is drive straight into the wall. so, now two hours of my life have been taken from me. if i'm hired back next year.
went on a job interview yesterday. as soon as i saw the guy interviewing me, i knew i was in trouble. you know the type. slick, short hair, mustache without a beard, dress shirt tucked in, generic cotton docker pants, white as a ghost, air of arrogance, as if he was born to be in charge. he sits down, takes a look at my resume. "well, i see you have been at brookline for a long time" ie "you have been a fucking low wage paraprofessional for ages! don't you have any ambition?" i thought of many replies... "how long have you been at your job?" or "yeah, you know why i'm still there? because i hate going on dumb job interviews." they talk to you like they know you. they judge you, they think they can sum you up based on a piece of paper and a couple of short replies to stupid questions that they have stolen from a "conducting interviews for dummies" book. these arrogant mediocrities with their meaningless power, they think they mean something. well guess what, fuckheads? the poisoned air, water, and food, and the falling bombs, will get you to. just watch. and your stupid white privilege and petty power and dress shirts and elitist arrogance will do nothing for you. for you see, a pine box doesn't play favorites, and in the end, the masters of war will also be murdered.
so, i am still jobless for the summer. the interview is a crime against our collective individuality and sense of self. think about it. you are on the auction block. you are being eyed, sized up. are you worthy? should you be hired? what do you have to offer? in that moment, you are like all the others. shirt tucked in, hair combed and washed, generic docker pants. you feel like a sell out, even though nothing has really happened, but you know. you know that the whole thing is evil and that you are a part of it. "come in, take a seat. can you close the door behind you? so, tell me a little about yourself...." man, what a bullshit structure we have created.
random thoughts and observations.
the culinary teacher was wearing a che guevara t-shirt today. he thought che was from mexico. someone told him he was from argentina. he said "mexico, argentina, same thing." when the guys who think mexico and argentina are the same thing are wearing che shirts, it makes you yearn to see more alligator shirts. but it's like what lenny said about making the marches. to paraphrase, the squares are marching now. more deeply, it shows the true face of consumer culture. che? nice shirt. he's that cool looking guy with the angry look on his face. don't know where he's
from, or what he did, but hey, it was on sale. stupid white cooking teachers.
great pic, pinko. disney was a right wing fascist, so it works on a number of levels. signed, daffy duck. sorry, donald. excuse my goofy behavior, which is more like that of a being from pluto than a human being.
a white kid who is down with the blacks went up to a teacher and asked for a buck. the teacher said no. the hip hop cracker said "you let that white kid borrow a dollar yesterday! that's racist!" now, we have had these white guys pretending to be black for a while, but what gets me is that they are starting to think they are actually black. interesting. funny, but to my knowledge, not one of these guys has been unjustly killed by the police. the cops, it seems, still know who is who.
even if no one else does.
for example, today n, a male student, claimed that he had hot flashes.
on that note, (high c, which i will drink) good day.
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