i say goodnight, gracie, because there but for the gracie of god go i. yes, the world can not b free of us. it is a long shot if we will make it. i was talking to my brother about it and said, "well at least i don't have a carmichael." woman, i realize that i am prone to excess, but i will not take the destruction of the earth lion down. i prey things will turn around. if i had it in my black power to improve things, i would, but when the u.s. government decides to drop the h bomb, it will be a rap for all of us. and no one will care what pi equals, or if apples are better than oranges, or that brown recorded for king records. for, when x marks the spot, their will be more than a little damage, and we will not live happily evers after. all will be dead, from those with a pinko huey to the seales that bobby and weavers in the seeger. so, goodnight irene. irene on me when you're not darryl armstrong, so you won't withers away. but, in the end, you will, george, so why should we beet around the bush tree? death awaits.
idea for a show; herr and her. a teenager named herr has the run of a house, and several girls compete to win his love. herr and her. kind of grows on you. like a wart.
80 percent of americans still believe in the devil. i knew that 80 percent believed in angels, but at least they are positive. devils? well, some have been seen playing hockey in new jersey.
the celtics are on the roper. i give them two tom thumbs down. if only the series was shorter. in any case, it is tied ju-ju. if lebron plays like the real mccoy and not like an average joe, i think the cavs elvin the series. ron, at least carter isn't on their team. that woud drive me vinsane for ryan out loud.
there is a bird inside me. i had turkey for lunch. hope i don't chuck it up. maybe i'll go for ham on rye next time.
women; they are half the planet.
i'd rather be here than at the post office.
a terrible earthquake has hit china. about 10,000 have been reported dead so far.
40,000 people die every day of starvation. this has not been reported so far. i looked for it on tv and in the papers. nothing. no one seems to care about this, other than the ones dying that is, until someone describes the deaths as a "holocaust." than people get upset, for nothing can be compared to the holocaust. but isn't that how a lot of the people died in the camps? weren't they starved to death? so, it's like this; when the world develops an economic system which murders millions of people each year, this is unfortunate, but not a crime, especially when most of those dying have dark skin and no money.
everything is bullshit. everything. well, maybe not taking a shit.
bye bye, ms american pie, violence is as american as you.
that's a rap.
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