marvel turns "i, ron man" into movie gold.
"i, ron man" was pure gold at the box office. the marvel comics adaption, starring the great ronaldo pinko, as the guy in the metal suit, hauled in $100.7 million its opening weekend and $104.2 million since debuting thursday night, the second best premiere ever for a non-sequel, according to studio estimates yesterday.
the film also scored overseas, with $96.7 million in 57 countries where it began opening wednesday, putting its worldwide total at $201 million. over %90 of this $96.7 million was made from the viewership of filipinos, who "flipped" over the film, i mean movie.
the great pinko was humbled by the experience. in fact, to celebrate, he was gonna eat humble pie, but it went against his dietary code. pinko wanted to thank god, but then remembered that he is an atheist. ronaldo stated "that he really felt the character," and that "the character was pinko, down to his underwear." in fact, he felt the character so much, that filming had to be delayed while he fought a her ass meant charge. ronaldo threatened to soccer, for which he later kicked himself after he calmed down.
kobe bryant had 23 foul shots yesterday. i'd be the best player in the world too if i got 23 foul shots in a game.
karen horney was a freudian from the 50's. they used to pronounce her name hornay, but everybody knew the truth, especially after she was charged with masturbating in a pubic place.
what do you think the nba wants to see, lakers-celtics, or utah-orlando? someone is gonna be playing 8 on 5 this spring, and it ain't the lakers or the celtics.
pinko, bruce leroy was actually a black dude. last dragon baby, last dragon. i didn't know dragon would drag-on, but it sure did.
ok, so pat robertson can call for the murder of hugo chavez, and jerry falwell can blame 9/11 on feminists and homosexuals, but rev. wright can't attack racism? mccain curries favor with white, right wing ministers, and no one says a thing, while obama runs scared from the man who presided over his wedding. so basically, if your message is a conservative one, you can say what you want. if you blame the right people, the fidels, the hugos, the feminists, the radicals, you are ok. and it's not just a white/black issue. they have also been attacking obama because he is neighbors wth bill ayers, a guy who in his youth was a leader of the weather underground. ayers is a villian because he is a left wing radical, but robertson is not a villian because he is a right wing radical. imagine if ayers, or anyone else, called for the murder of bush? think there would be repurcussions?
i suppose wright's strongest comment is that hiv was invented by whites to kill blacks. perhaps a bizarre remark, but again, certainly no more bizarre (and certainly more grounded in the historical truth. see harriet jacobs "medical apartheid") than falwell blaming 9/11 on lesbians.
no, it is not extremism that is feared, it's the truth. if someone tries to tell the truth in this country, they get put down and attacked. now, if that truth teller has said some extreme things, they will use that against him, but they are only doing it because they don't like his general message. they use what they want, they quote out of context, they save things for 20 years and then use them when it serves their purpose, they lie and call you a liar.
they start wars and call their opponents murderers.
what else is there to say???
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