hombre means herbie mann, and paul newman is herbie mann, so go frank wess young herbie mann, go wess. give a hoot, play the flute. i enjoyed the puns of pinko. pinko has been known to cozy up to red china. i once saw him fondling chyna. it was something i had to wrestle with for a long time, and as lawler knows, i don't wrestle men. wait a second, i have to kaufman. zehme get a drink a water and i'll be right back. andy came back quickly! he didn't even skip a line.
baby got back. well, of course she's got back! that would be quite a problem if a baby didn't have a back. perhaps the back was thrown out. you ever wonder why people are still throwing backs out. it's past time that they recycle them. i'll get back to this at a later date, if i can stomach it.
george carlin...nigerian.
i am up against the wald-ron, for you see, i am mal-adjusted. the thing is charlie, i have not been a roused for a while. perhaps i have been monk like for too long. but now george, i would like to joyner center, for her art like ways are taylor maid for my manhattan sensibilities. oh, if i could only depart to her chambers, but alas, my thoughts are off bass, so carter away from my mind, ron. i know you doug that line. others may say wat, but we are a kins in our thinking. but keep in mind pinko that you will never be red mitchell, though you may harold land a gig time after time. by the way, have you heard sinatra's tribute to another great singer, "this love of nat king cole mine?" good shit. the tune helped to make him a kay starr, but i just thought it was o kay. the tune was quite a cash cow, and the audience wouldn't let him moo vaughn until he would sing it, and being johnny on the spot, he wood do it in the nick of time. yes, at the root of it all, it was a gay affair, but it was nizer than a lot of other things. people in the crowd would hugus, even those in virginia, which is where it's pratt.
chris rock is joe rock and the skyliners
an italian joke; everytime it rains, it rains penne from heaven.
richard pryor to that line, where was i? for it is eddie murphy's law to not get steve mixed up by your own puns. this turn of events is certainly not what the doctor j ordered. if this goes on any mo, i will turn pinko in the cheeks with embarrasment. never mind my dennis johnson. the old dick lost whatever sax appeal it used to have, for i have lost the sparky due to the fact that i haven't had a miele in three days. three days? we've only been on the boat two days. i didn't eat yesterday, i didn't eat today, and i'm not gonna eat tomorrow; that makes three days. well, in a tad, i will hitch this cock of mine, for it is no drill, sargent.
why is it a man can be named north or west, but never south or east?
to all of you angry about your partners and jobs, i remind you that hundreds of people have starved since i started this blog. comforting, huh?
oh lord, don't let them drop the mccain on us. please lord, raise mccain. and get him the hell away from us.
has anybody here seen my old friend martin? yeah, he's in lawrence.
has anybody here seen my old friend john? yeah, it's in the bathroom. sorry, that line was crap. i just don't want to repeat the same old shit is all.
the truth is, i am a wanderer, though i may end up in belmont, but i don't know where or when. sorry to give you the run around, sue, but just keep in mind that i only have eyes for you. and now, quicker than a flamingo, i will change the subject.
jackie mclean once said about recording for a certain record label "it was like being under the nazis and not knowing it." this describes the life of the average american perfectly. unfortunately, most americans can't tell the phil woods from the jimmy forest. it's enough to drive a man up a tree, rollins.
so, as the hawk blows from a record called stasch, i bid you a farewell.
1 comment:
listen here eddie, we are in the midst of an electric 2008 erection which will be a long, hard uphillary battle. most of it will take place in the john, so bring some toilet paper for the elderly who require the assistance of a mccain to walk. please andy, do not treat the world as if it were a funhouse. your recklessness just might get you six feet under in a kaufmann. forget dirty lenny, jackie's mclean jokes are all i need Right Now! It's Time for us to search for a jew land in new soil. maybe if lee would just practice his hammond b-3 morgan, i could bake some cornbread while ingesting a speedball. then again, that might wayne shorter my life which will bring about a deluge of tears from my family stone, yes or no? the fire within has died, and i've resigned myself to shopping in the malle with louis. this new wave of thought continually leaves me breathless as if i were made to endure 400 blowjobs from francois. if only i had a winn butler to cater to my every need, a cecil taylor for some fine threads, and an art farmer to tend my new soil then i wouldn't have to jackie-off in hiroshima, mon amour. i know i am not as clever as mellish, but there are no cyborgs to help me write these tasteless jokes, david. i must bid farewell, for my boss wynton is getting sore at my ass for wasting company time. there might be blood on the fields if i don't hop into my model-t branford and drive away. what a hateful family! they should've been rejected at ellis island for they do not swing like jackie's capuchin.
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