idea for a joke; a guy sees a film by a good director, but he doesn't like it. he writes a review called "death of a sayles, man." punko suggests i should see a classic french film, but i think that if you've seen one, you've seen malle. you have to godard against watching too manny of these films, ramirez. but with my luc, i'll probably see one soon. girl, you'll be a woman soon; soon, you'll need a man. neil, that line was a diamond in the rough. my lines stay tight. you know how? because every sunday, billy, i neil down and pray, and my lines rebound like moses.
a man goes to the beach, sees a girl, and thinks of a tune..."it's the same old thong, but with a different meaning since you've been gone." the tune is set to the melody of four, which is tops in my book.
remember the bumper sticker "god made the irish number one." (i know, they are such fuck heads, aren't they?) well, how about "god made the spanish number juan."
a mann should never smoke herb, e. pat once said "osborne in a strict household, and nunn of us smoked, michael." michael, by the way, rode the boat a shore and walked home in time for dinah. considering he lived in washington, this was no easy feet.
you can't go home again. especially if someone has changed the locks. i was gonna change my locks, but i dred doing it, scott. and by the way, why is scott considered great? and which scott are we talking about? michael scott? he's not even a real person, chuck. hey, put down that rifleman! if it means that much to you, he's real! charles brown was a real person, but just thinking of him gives me the blues record, eugene. eugenes are in good shape, but you could do something about those shues, gene. remember, i am chi, so keep the love talk light. don't get too dramatics. and, if you are going to ring my dells, be gentle. or gentile. i was gonna go for gentile floors, but settled on hard wood. i could use some hard wood right about now, but sadly, i am softer than a fat man's stomach.
game 1, celtics-pistons. another 2:30 hours of my life, about to be wasted. well, at least i have a slim waist, ted, because i had the williams to change my diet. actually, all i changed was my shirt sizes. they got bigger, so now, i look smaller. now, i can breathe a cyborg of relief, and mellish the beauty that is me. i figured that was better than stapling my stomach.
ok, pink man, it's been colorful, but i have to move on down the line.
bob, theile you have the impulse to read again. meanwhile louis, i will be in the malle, just another joe in his arena.
1 comment:
QUESTION: why do we persist on treating ralph as if he were darth nader? by george, we must lucas at the truth with an unbending eye if we are not to dwight schrute the messenger. his message is clear like grandmaster flash and the furious five who could have been considered a dirty dozen but were 6 shy of a great escape from the bronson of charles who suffered from ADD and had a death wish at the age of 6. if only i could fielding some grounders with mellish . . . it's all we have in boston common aside from our shared contempt of john coltrane's overrated recording, A Burrito Supreme. tumor has it that teddy's cancer is malignant. now that's talking about hard times, james. i wish to freeload off of freddie, but he is miles away and feeling kinda blue at the recent passing of william f. buckley. i too have shed a browntear at his passing, but they are tears of joyspring, clifford. the man should have been put in front of a firing line a long time ago in a galaxy far far away. i don't care where a man wishes to skywalker as long as he is solo when the impulse hits him to put a han down his pants and stroke his lightsaber. please god, let the cunt of basie receive the dick of ellington which will spray a purple rain so that a prince may be born. it's true, all this graphic language proves that things ain't what they used to be. anything goes, mr. porter. so shut up and eat your cole slaw.
p.s.- matt gonzalesbian is a happy man for gay marriage is now legal in the golden state where the sonny shines and raven screens, "This is for Benny!"
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