some dude on csi just said "suicide is the ultimate act of cowardice." how so? i think it's pretty damn brave. but dig, it's all point of view. the guy saying this is alive, as is the guy who wrote the line. since they are alive, they don't have the experience of having killed themselves. so, why should i listen to them talk about something they know nothing about? in fact, to me, the cowardly act is pontificating on complicated subjects in an ignorant, narrow minded way. this guy who is so down on suicide, has he said anything against war lately? why is it that veterans are so much more likely to kill themselves than the average person? in my book, it is much braver to take your own life than to drop bombs and take the lives of others. so dig, why don't we honor the families of those who have killed themselves? "your son bravely went on in this disgusting, meaningless world, until he could no longer tolerate the alienation and hypocrisy. on this day, we want to honor his courage by giving you this medal."
"the ultimate act of cowardice?" what a load of bullshit. even if you think it is cowardly, and it surely isn't, how can you say it is the ultimate form of cowardice? it's more cowardly than lynching, napalming, raping? who thinks this shit up? i am tired of all the anti-suicide people ganging up on the pro-suicide people. we always here from the "pro-life" crowd that the fetus can't speak for itself, but what of the pro-suicide crowd? it is up to us, the living, to speak for those who have already killed themselves. we need to build a grass roots, "pro-dead" movement in this country that will respond to these baseless attacks against those who have taken their own lives. the pro-life movement has had its day. it's time for the pro-dead movement. think about it; we could have suicide awareness day. we could educate the masses about the benefits of suicide. we could make people aware of some of the great men and women who have killed themselves, people such as ernest hemingway, sonny criss, alexander berkman, and abbie hoffman. it is time that we, the living, create the space where the suicides of the world can come out of the closet and claim their deadness. believe me, we shall not be moved. this is a grave issue, but if we have the stones, we will have the people singing a different tomb before long.
when tixon went to check her email, she xd out of my blog. the screen told us that she was "opening another tab." this is false. why would she open a tab? we don't even have any soda in the house. and if she was drinking one, she wouldn't go and open another one! i am tired of these computers trying to tell us what we are eating and drinking. listen computer, just shut the fuck up and let me blog.
on a serious note about soda, did you realize that fanta was created during ww2? it is a subsidiary of coca cola. they created it because they realized that it would look bad to sell coke in germany during the war. so, they created fanta and sold that in germany instead. way to beat the fascists.
talk about a cowardly act.
or, is it just capitalism?
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