Friday, January 18, 2008

fine and dandy

history class today; the women's movement. women fighting for the right to vote for the same boring stiffs that men had been voting for before. "women" doesn't seem to include black women, or native women. i guess we are supposed to know that women means white.
science test today. 6 pages of nonsense. a or f, (excuse me, e) what does it mean? how much crap can a teen brain store? the info itself has a certain degree of significance, but it's taught in such a way as to eliminate whatever importance it may have. the "good"student memorizes the info long enough to get a good grade on the test. the "bad" student doesn't memorize it long enough to do this, or never stores the info at all. the difference? there is none, but the first will be praised and held up as a role model, and the latter will be denigrated as a failure. the whole thing fails to stir anything in me. i'm not paying attention in science anymore, so i can't help the students. besides, one of them keeps referring to me as a predator, so screw them as a collective unit. let them fail with a smile. alas, they will probably get down and curse quietly, as they bemoan the unfairness of it all. innocent ones. yes, school is annoying, but when they enter the adult world of wage slavery (and sadly, several of them already have) they will really be up against it. their life stinks, but it doesn't quite suck yet. a fine distinction, but a distinction of import. the teenager still has a degree of imdividuality, of independence. money is not as integral to their existence. our commercial culture has eliminated this to an extent, but adults are still fucked more. their toys are bigger. a kid and his jordan's isn't quite as bad as some fuckhead bragging about his house and car. it's the same disease, but by the time it reaches the adult stage, it is a hopeless case. there is no cure for the crime of being a citizen of commercial culture.
so, i work with the steve young. it's better than giving up and moving to joe montana, cause i ain't no 49er, and i know the search for gold ain't solid. so, i settle for bronze. i don't want a medal anyway. i just want to be left alone. i want classic jazz on the turntable, and my space heater by the bed. i want the phone silent, and the tv off. an occasional drink too, and good food. a book as well. and my woman. and my friend, color me pinko. and the parents. i guess i have more needs than i thought. when you list them they add up. but certain things i resist. cell phones cable cars computers. i'm not all bad i suppose.

drama in class at the moment. n, the oldies expert, is angry. it has been exposed that his father is doing his homework. an exchange followed, in which n said that "he would piss on his teachers." he was then told to write a report to his dean explaining what happened. he wrote "when i am arrested by the police i will fucking piss on them!" the students found out and exploded in laughter. n is in trouble now. but he got his licks in. good for him. in the end, he will lose of course. he will apologize and he will feel bad. he may even cry.

don't cry n. other than knowing what year lonely teardrops came out in, saying you will "fucking piss on the police" is the best thing you have done this school year. i suppose it's clear by now that i chart success differently than most educators.

bravo n.

and cinemax, hbo, showtime. the whole package. you put on quite a show. that's what a good work day needs. a little entertainment. fuck the tests...give me the show.

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