just saw a "jesus is lord" bumper sticker. isn't this bad english? shouldn't it be "jesus is the lord?" what would we think if one of our young said "i am student?" we would surely use it as an excuse to attack them yet again. "jesus is lord." fuck you and your mediocre english ability.
i'm also getting tired of "i heart new york." we are talking about a big fucking place. they surely can't love it all. do they love the poverty, the crime rate, the pollution, the high cost of living? i heart new york is a bullshit statement without meaning. i heart the new york public library system, or i heart central park, makes more sense. they are individual things that we can have an opinion, and yes, a love for.
speaking of bullshit, obama has called on europeans and americans to "defeat terror." how does one defeat a tactic? a tactic, by the way, that obama wants to use more of in afghanistan. you can no more defeat terror than you can defeat walking, or singing, or shitting, for that matter. maybe we should have a war on shitting? we could start by distributing 20 pounds of free cheese to every american. of course, we would have to round up the vegans, but there are casualities in every war.
instead of i heart new york, how about i anus new york?
we know that god loves both silence and homosexuals, for he was heard to say, "the lesbian said, the better."
if we could only come up with a good slow-gun, we could put an end to gun violence.
we are always hearing about the country, but what about cunt-trees? man, i sure hope they don't chop those down! they help keep my head out of the sun. which reminds me of that great standard, "when sonny gets blue balls." he usually gets them for christmas. well, his parents are poor, and they do the best they can.
a great new documentary about shit will be shown at the upcoming can film festival. it should be a gas.
remember when nizer was giving a speech and all of a sudden, the pride march came down the street? he started exclaiming, in a key that would have intimidated mario lanza, "gay lesbian bi sexual two spirited trans community, we stand with you!!" well, first of all, of course he stood with them; he was in the community! what's he supposed to do, find another community to stand with? better yet, he probably wanted to lie down with them. and furthermore, what does it mean to be "two spirited?" it seems to me, one person, one spirit. if being bisexual means you are attracted to the body of both sexes, does being two spirited mean you are attracted to the spirits or souls of both sexes? and what the hell is a spirit? a group of two spirited people assumes that there is a group of one spirited people out there. ok, fair enough, but where are they? sometimes religious people sing about "feeling the spirit," but what if the spirit doesn't want to be touched? perhaps the spirit will claim that it has been molested? and what if the two spirits don't get along? what if one attacks the other? or, what if they disagree? who do you side with? it may be best to just stay out of it and wait for it to die down. man, it's all very confusing.
lee konitz with warne marsh. a good record. pink one, i must burn this for you in the future. perhaps in the winter, to help myself stay warm.
i leave you with this...
walk limply, but carry a big dick, and you'll never walk alone.
that line may not win an oscar, but it used to hammer stein. man, that one used to nail him.
actually, i leave you with this from the three stooges...
give me the tools.
what tools?
the tools we've been using for the last 10 years!
oh, those tools!
A man with no balls. You are a quintessential moron who claims to know English. Jesus is boss. Christ rules you freekin moron. You will bow and confess that you slime bag. Do it now and go to heaven. Don't you still will on your way to hell though.
I AM :-)
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