i am going to go out on a limb with more body talk. for a second, i thought of knuckling under to the pressure of those who told me to quit while i was a head, but i have my eyes on the prize, so i will play it by ear and continue to satisfy myself with these tasteless puns. if this is getting under your skin, feel free to exit the sight, for i am turning a deaf ear to your complaints. hey, if you are gonna read my stuff, i demand blind faith from you. i don't expect you to handicap my words, but just to digest them. think of them as food for thought. of course, there are always a couple of rotten apples in every cart, but that is no reason for you to jaw at me when things don't go well. i hope you understand that your words are in vein, for when my blood starts to boil, no one can give me any lip that i will listen to. for i am foot loose, but strangely, unlike byrd, i am not fancy free. i don't know how these things don on me. i suppose it is a kind of art, like being a farmer.
i guess i shouldn't get angry. rather, i should turn the other cheek and butt out while others speak their mind. oh, if we could only see eye to eye, who nose what good would come? well, i guess i had to get this off my chest and keep you a breast of the situation. soon, i will turn on the boob tube and turn the knobs until i find a channel i like. if i could just get some elbow room away from the maddening crowd, i'm sure i could breathe a sigh of relief. the whole thing is so hard to swallow, steve. if i could only get someone to read about wrist management to me, all would be well.
good that you guys can still watch dvd's. however, if the screen is longer than my penis, i will be highly upset. (come to think of it, how couldn't it be?) meanwhile i am looking for a rare text entitled four arguments for the elimination of jerry mander's four arguments for the elimination of feces. shit, i'll probably never find it. mander, by the way, was accused of sexism because he refused to change his name to personder. this doesn't take away from his arguments, but i thought you should know. i am surprised that you tossed your tv without catching a few more episodes of family matters. well, all i can do is say an amen for you, for good times surely await you, my artist formally known as the fresh prince. now, you can go out and breathe that bell air, which is ringing for me and my gal. you guys are much too very very to ever be on webster, which didn't have too many different folks as guest stars. so, tv or not tv, that is the question? and you, my friend, have answered it, period. now, you ham, let yourself go, and enjoy the freedom that only mander knows.
half bright, eh? i'm not surprised. 500,000 dead iraqi children was worth it. worth what? i wonder if we threw in chelsea clinton and obama's children, if she would still say it was worth it. or, what about her life..."is the death of half bright worth it?" she must not feel that a half million children are worth her one life. there not "our" children, so, why not a million, ten million? didn't hitler think killing children was "worth it?" and why didn't police immediately arrest her after the show? if i oversaw an endeavor which led to the murder of 500,000 children (outside of a u.s. war that is) i'm pretty sure someone would come looking for my ass. come on police, do your job. better yet, stop doing your job!
was this blog worth it?
you know, it's a tough question, but i would have to say no, it was not worth it.
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