carlin once pointed out that it was strange that he was fired in vegas for saying shit when the main attraction in town was craps. never mind ass.
i've been hearing a lot about how obama is a "centrist." just what the fuck is a centrist? are they putting the 7 billion people on earth in a line based on their politics, and calling the ones in the middle centrists? in fact, it's a bullshit term. obama is on the right, as they all are. he may not be as far to the right as his opponent, but of course, that too remains to be seen. others insist on calling him a "progressive." please, someone hand me a puke bucket. and when is tim not as wise as i thought gonna write an article condemning obama's negative comments about black people? is he too along for the ride? so many want to buy in, we so want to believe. but what is it that we are believing in? in the political realm, one should believe in concrete things; affordable housing, an end to war, universal health care. where are these ideas today? belief in obama has a blind spiritual quality to it that is kind of scary. in general, the supporters of the party out of power seem to feel that the extent of our problems reside in the policies of the other side. for sure, eight years of bush has been no picnic, but you might want to ask a serbian at random what life was like under the funky clinton administration. to the anti-war democrats out there, you might want to recall that the two world wars, as well as the korean and vietnam wars, were fought either in whole or in part while democratic administrations were in power. i could go on, but the whole thing is rather depressing.
just remember that behind it all lies the power of corporate america. which ever party resides in the white house, corporate power rules. their rule may be a little more daring, more out in the open when a republican is president, but they rule either way.
in any case, i have made up my mind.
now, if i could just make up a better body for myself, i'd be all set.
1 comment:
You have a nice body. Please don't misconstrue the previous sentence as sexual-hairy-ass-ment.
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