yes, there goes that man again. a couple of things. he said that "we" need more troops in afghanistan. he wants to add 10 thousand troops there. why? because they are getting killed! it seems to me that if soldiers are getting killed, you remove them from the country, and then, they won't be killed anymore. the more troops, the more troops who can be killed. iraq, the big o tells us, is a "diversion" from the real war on terror. the fact is, the real war on terror is just as fake as all the other wars. to be for the war in afghanistan and against the war in iraq is like being for your left arm and against your right arm. it is not a viable anti-war position. obama tells us that his pull out plan in iraq would take 16 months. that's a pull out plan? it takes 16 months to get troops out of a country? at the end of 16 months, we will have been in iraq for 7 years. and of course, obama only says he will remove soldiers in 16 months. he probably won't even do this, because he will need to consult "the facts on the ground," and the facts on the ground are that we are getting our ass kicked. so, there is no pull out. what he is saying he will do is redeploy troops from one place to another. but the funny thing is i don't want afghanis to die anymore than i want iraqis to die. you see, to me, the whole war on terror is bullshit. and obama fits right into the middle of the bullshit. if he didn't, he wouldn't be the democratic nominee.
more obama. he gave a speech at the naacp a couple of days ago. he told blacks "they need to attend the parent/teacher conferences." oh really? this is surely a viable solution to their problems. something tells me obama is not caught up on his kozol, and if he is, that makes what he is saying even worse. he also told his black audience to "turn off the tv and video games." fair enough, but why is this stuff only directed at black people? he never tells any other group of people what to do. remember that one time he said that poor whites were afraid so they were hiding behind guns and religion? he got clobbered for that. he was portrayed as an elitist snob. but he can blast blacks all he wants, and is called courageous for doing so. and what about the corporations? do they need to take any responsibility for anything? this whole responsibility thing seems to be quite selective. what if while you are taking responsibility, you lose your job, the cost of food and fuel go up, and the war goes on? what if your rent goes up to a price you can't afford? does that give you the right to go up to the landlord and say "hey man, here i am trying to be responsible and you are not reciprocating. so, i ain't paying you one more cent." it's like telling someone to be nonviolent while violence rules all around them. man, i wish malcolm was here. this shit would sound so much better coming out of his mouth, or from his finger.
and then there is mccain. a snarling little dog whose claim to fame is that he was captured in war. i thought the whole idea was to keep from getting captured? being a pow is no great accomplishment, especially when one was a pow as a result of fighting a genocidal war of aggression against the vietnamese. i believe mccain would like to be fighting a war all over the place. harpo marx once said that he wanted to see a child looking out of every window in his house. well, mccain wants to be able to see a war out of every window. but the whole thing is really about degrees...obama wants 10000 more troops in afghanistan, mccain wants 15000 more. mccain wants to keep a full troop complement in iraq, obama is thinking of "dealing" with pakistan. they both need to show they are tough, particularly obama, who many americans likely believe is really a closet muslim. in fact, he is a closet muslim, but he is a christian in the rest of the house, so the voters have nothing to worry about. this is an example; obama, if he were a decent man, would say what does a man's religion have to do with whether he is competent to be president. he would defend any man's right to be a muslim, while at the same time, denying the claim. if obama were a decent man he would not have been angered that the clinton people supposedly made him look blacker in a photo. instead, he would have pointed this out to be the racist crap that it was, while at the same time, pointing out the equal beauty and equality of all skin colors. but he ain't that man. of course, the obama attacks are just beginning; he's really a muslim, he's soft on terrorism, blah blah blah. perhaps his plan is to be a preemptive asshole in order to take as much of the play away from them as he can. whatever it is, it sucks.
and of course, everyone has to show that they are safe, that they are worthy of the corporate donations and the backing of the elites. in the end, that's the whole thing.
king once said that we have to deal with racism, militarism, and economic exploitation, that you can't really get rid of one without getting rid of the others. well, obama wants to increase our involvement in afghanistan, has threatened pakistan, and has made strong statements in support of israel. so much for militarism. so far, he has said black men are acting like "boys," has said that black people need to stop throwing trash out of cars and has also stated that they need to stop feeding their children cold popeye's for breakfast. so much for racism. as for economic exploitation, a spokesman for wal-mart is one of his advisors, his contributions have come from some of the major corporations, he has yet to say a word in favor of rent control, or talked about redistributing wealth, or anything else that would show that he was concerned about economic inequality.
malcolm once gave a speech the bullet or the ballot. well, i don't know about the bullet, but i damn sure know about the ballot.
Madeleine "the price is worth it" Albright is part of Obama's foreign policy team. Say it loud and proud, "Hope and Change(for some other country, in some other time, for another group of people)!"
Fiesta, I have lost respect for two "friends" during this Obama drama, because they are blindly following him as if he was there cult leader. They ignore his record and even the words he says because they are awe-struck by his beauty. It was fun listening to Jeffrey St. Clair talk about all the candidates. It is hard to find truth like that coming out of someone's mouth; I was smiling as if I was a child discovering they have a new friend, or something.
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