wow. what a tale. and though my grandfather said you should never lose your head over a piece of tail, i must say that my head is currently lost. the good news is i think i know where i put it. once, while walking through the very same chinatown that the the pink one writes of, a woman told me she gives great head, but since it wasn't the same head i often lose, i wasn't interested. and why is this one of the only body parts that people give? why doesn't anyone give brain, or ankle? back is different. you can have someone's back, as in "i've got your back" and you can also "give back." but "giving back" is very different from "giving head." furthermore, you can not "give face," but you can "save face." so one gives head and saves face, all the while having another person's back. then, they may "give the evil eye." at other times, we have to hand it to people, and sometimes, we even "give people a hand," as in, "let me give you a hand with that."
of course, if you are angry, than you can give someone "back talk," but you would not do this if you were someone who was willing to "toe the line." a man who toes the line will even "finger someone" if they are asked by the police or others in authority.
this whole thing can really get tricky. let's say some asshole asked you to "give head." instead, you would most likely fire back by giving him a "piece of your mind" instead. he might then say that he has to "hand it to you" for having such a "strong mouth." if it escalates, someone may even end up "bearing arms," for yes, often people will "arm themselves." in fact, you can play with your arm to such an extent that it shoots, and end up making an ass out of yourself. of course, if you do this, you likely have "shit for brains" and have no one to blame but your sorry ass for the trouble that is heading your way.
pinko, great tale of beantown. i remember that gig of yours well. those were some good days. until this moment, it never really registered with me how much cash you took from the cash register. all that cash must have made you feel like johnny on the spot.
thanks again for the heads up on this previously private tale.
1 comment:
life is all about "hanging brain." it's a joyful pursuit towards perfection.
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