in science today, they were playing a game about dominant and recessive genes. they were determining, through the flip of a coin, what their babies would look like. one group went crazy when they heard their baby would be dark brown. i know, i know, slavery happened a long time ago. i thought i'd let you know anyway.
think about it, this is a class full of special needs students, but they still know what color you are supposed to be in this country. sad, sad. a good teacher would have challenged them on their racism, but we don't have those in this country, because in order to have good teachers, you would have to have good people, and we don't have good people. we have a bunch of fuckheads who have accepted and gloried in the prejudices of our society, and who persist on passing them down to the following generations. believe me when i tell you that the only hope is the lady on days of our lives. furthermore, j, the hip hop cracker, was the most devastated of all when he heard the news that his "baby" would be dark brown. you see, the hip hop cracker is still a cracker, and his bigotry doesn't evaporate as his rap collection deepens.
today, in history class, the teacher described the radical republicans during reconstruction as "far right." in fact, they were perhaps the most far left politicians in u.s. history. the ignorance is astounding. i am surrounded by a bunch of shitheads. meanwhile, i am reading the new edition of lies my teacher told me, and loewen behold, a lot of good stuff has been added.
what a racist, dumb, boring place schools are, filled with rules and gossip and meaningless classes taught by brain dead teachers. these teachers know nothing. they exude no intellectual curiosity, have no integrity, no passion, and little else. i'm tired of hearing about how teachers are underpaid. they work 10 months a year, 6 to 7 hours a day. they have built in free time during the day, and get vacations and holidays every 5 seconds. fuck them. for every one good teacher, there are 100 stiffs. they help to keep us ignorant, they bore us, they keep us locked in while the sun shines on others. i hate to be described as a teacher. i'm just a guy trying to pay the rent who doesn't know what else to do. i'm just a guy who doesn't want to work in a mine shaft. i'm just a guy. teacher? teach yourself! and to do that, you need free time, the very thing that school takes from you. fuck school, and everything that it leads to; jobs, more school, proms, graduations, ap classes, rotc. fuck all that shit. you show me someone in school and i'll show you someone being killed by this society.
i repeat, we are doomed.
1 comment:
That is some funny ass shi*! I have been juice fasting today (for a cold) and it is funny how my "truth voice" comes out and tells everyone how I really feel about them and what they are doing. My supervisor stopped one of my emails that was a little less real than this blog of yours, and told me not to send it to another co-worker that screwed me over today. So I thank you for your refreshing blog that spoke to me in my state of mind. Also, when I was teaching, my old students would know that they couldn't attack themselves for being black or being a "midnight blue" as the children sometimes called themselves, because they were very dark brown. They knew that I would stop them and tell them that "Black is beautiful," they also knew that it offended me, so they would say sorry, and then it always got the ball rolling, of "hey, why would she be offended, what is wrong with our society that I would be considered ugly or less?" These were kindergartener babies through 8th grade that already knew that our society and some of the students' families see darker skin colors as less beautiful. So at least I can assure you, I fought my ass off for all of those bastar* teachers that you are talking about that didn't correct or stick up for truth and beauty in the world. Once I had to correct another teacher who was African American and agreed with the students insulting darker brown skin! I was shocked. At least the kids knew the "black is beautiful" saying being brainwashed into their minds over the racism they were being exposed too.
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