well, it's big of me too. it's big of all of us. let's be big for a change.
this line from groucho comes to mind because a polygamist "compound" (it's always a compound when they want us to think bad of the people being raided. sounds worse than "houses) was recently raided by the authorities.
well, why can't people elect to live together in a polygamist manner? is that really a crime? perhaps it may repulse some of us morally, but doesn't homosexuality, interracial marriage, and even sex before marriage, repulse some of us morally?
and by the way, when will the white house be raided, or the headquarters of the multinational corporations? i don't trust this government to raid anyone when they are the greatest criminals.
while we think long and hard about polygamy, certain countries are being destroyed and certain people, often poor and of color, are being killed. and they are not being killed by polygamists. no, they are being killed by god fearing monogamists.
or maybe they are just plain assholes.
now, when are those guys gonna get raided?
oh yeah, those are the guys doing the raiding. that's the problem.
hey, if you want to legislate morality, then put an end to war, stop polluting the earth, and start punishing some of these klansmen disguised as police officers.
but please, leave these polygamists alone. are they really worse than the majority of americans, who are constantly having affairs and lusting after total strangers? at least their shit is up front.
stop the war, and maybe then i'll get on board against some of this other stuff. but until then, it strikes me as a diversion, a false crime.
power to move, the branch davidians, and to all those who have been raided. your crimes pale in comparison to those who have punished you.
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