the front page of the local rag tells me that "wesley snipes gets 3 years for tax evation." before i get into the politics of it, isn't evasion spelled with an s, not a t? is proper spelling too much to ask from a newspaper?
now for the verdict. three years for not paying taxes? what law is there on the books which explicitly states that it is a crime not to pay your taxes? the judge said they wanted to make an example of snipes. what was this, a lynch mob? was snipes accused of raping a white woman? seriously, in the old days, if a black man got too successful for the liking of the white community, he would often be lynched, or at least run out of town. well, throwing a man in jail is certainly one way to run him out of town.
the article later states that the message was likely sent to anti-war protesters who may be thinking of not paying their taxes as a form of protest against the government. well, i wasn't even aware that snipes was doing this, and i have often wrestled with the horror i feel over paying taxes. as far as an example goes, a country that is willing to blow up countries to steal their resources hardly needs to demonstrate any more examples of its "seriousness." just ask fred hampton.
well, i have never been a snipes fan before, but i am now. in the old days they just took your shit. joe louis, redd foxx, sammy davis, george carlin. and that's terrible too. but throwing a man in jail for not paying his taxes? this is nothing short of a racist, militaristic act that is nothing if not fascist.
clarence thomas has spent his whole life playing the game, attempting with all his power to get in with the white establishment. this fact did not stop david tuason from writing thomas a letter stating "i am going to blow up the supreme court building. you will be castrated, shot, or set on fire. i want you killed." damn. this man has done everything short of bleaching his skin to get in. but the thing is, you can never really get in. it may seem like you can, but you can't. the problem with integration is that you integrate into a fucked up structure of hate and stupidity. integration is the right thing, but shallow. an overhaul of the way society thinks, a revolution in education, thought, and society in general, is what is needed.
this same man also wrote a letter to derek jeter. man, if this guy is going after oreos and mulattoes, i'd hate to hear what he has to say about other black people. but again, the white man has always been made furious by a successful black man. you hear it all the time. "these ball players make too much money" or "hip hop is ruining the country." these assholes never seem to complain about bill gates's bank account. they don't seem to get worked up about all the owners being white, the ceo's being white, almost all the rich people being white. no, to them, that is how it should be.
by the way, mariah, if i were you, i would sent your maid out to get the mail. man, what a fucked up country.
bill russell had it right when he said, "during the basketball season, i play center for the boston celtics. during the summer, i'm just another 6-10 black man."
the u.s. (well, i didn't, but i guess something called "the u.s. did) has told president mugabe of zimbabwe that "it's time to give up." what an arrogant fucking culture. of course, america has been telling africans (and indians and asians and mexicans and....) to give up for a long time, so that's not new. supposedly, mugabe recently lost an election, and therefore, our government believes he should step down. this idea of stepping down after losing elections doesn't seem to apply to them however. of course, we should be thankful that the government is only telling mugabe to step down. just ask allende or aristide or arbenz or mossadegh or the millions buried under the earth in southeast asia what this government is capable of once it has decided that a government "should give up."
i wonder if jackie chan ever looks at himself in the mirror and says "is this money worth being a walking chinese stereotype?" is he tormented by what he does? is he intelligent enough to be? or what about that little asian guy on mad tv? does he ever cry over the crimes he is committing against his people? or what of anthony anderson, or martin lawrence?
i'm telling you, diversity in hollywood almost makes you yearn for leave it to beaver.
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