happiness is just another picture of joe frazier. as i attempt to fight my way out of this box, and one like frank sinatra is often all that sounds good, i remember other things. things like a babbling brooks, a wall of green, and i see vs coming toward to me. oh, i say to her, if you, wendy, were dairy queen and i were burger king of all this world, we could live in a white castle and fry the french. yes, let's toast to that thought.
i remember walking through the north end, the italian part of town, and seeing through a store window a shirt which read (well, a shirt can't actually read) "france sucks." i suppose this refers to the fact that the french were not quite as high on blowing up iraq. another one read "first iraq, then france." iraq my brains to think of a dumber sentiment, and all i could come up with was "papa's got a brand new baghdad." well, i haven't been worthy for so long that james looks brown to me.
my one regret in life is life itself.
sometimes it seems that the only time i am awake is when i'm asleep.
my one regret in life is not being a revolutionary. i enjoy going to the library and listening to ike quebec too much to change the world. that, and i'm a lousy fighter. before len barry could count 1 2 3, the revolt wood be over, and in the nick of time, i may add.
fish filled with mercury. and pluto water. and mars almond bars. and inside the stomach of venus williams. serena-ty now. what a racket this blog is. well, it's really a double fault; mine for writing, and yours for reading it. well, i do it out of love. it is my service. it is my hope that it will net us something. in the meantime guy, forget. seles something else. perhaps a cannonball. but in the end, remember that we are all nats being bugged by the man. charlie knows all, but the people didn't know nothing about him. they are for the birds. i don't mean to dog them, but there aren't too many hip cats around anymore. just a bunch of sheep on the lamb, and i ain't lion.
at least i haven't had to look for an apartment for close to a year.
enjoy college. it may be the last time you are near people who think. and the girls and free food and lack of a job aren't bad either. but, remember the debt, and the recruiters. well, everything sucks, but some things suck less. gravitate toward those things. and for the life of you, try to stay away from dumb white motherfuckers.
and pray.
in case someone is really there.
and then ask him to explain what the fuck happened.
i can't help but feel that the fault lies with the manufacturer.
unfortunately, we have thrown out the receipt.
and so, we are stuck with the results.
it ain't pretty folks.
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