it is a shame that rod serloin got into porn. what a talent. yes, if i am ever accused of being mo lester young, i want the firm booty of serling, bennett, and debs to defend me. chico was willing "to spend up to a 15 dollars, but i no coulda get nobody to defend me." so he fought the ty law, and lawyer milloy won.
pinko, close the door, ham, and light a candle to save money on the electric bill. anyone who does this is not factoring in the cost of the eye surgery, or the candles for that matter. if you really want to save bread, why not just rest in the pendergrass, and be my teddy bear?
oh, you sprained your pelvis? excuses, excuses! don't give me that hound dog look! quick, you can still be my good luck charm. i know you are all shook up at the moment, but that is what happens when you are in the ghetto. just ask yourself this...are you loan some tonite? well. you can borrow a 20 from me if you really need it, just make sure that you return it to sender. look, i know you feel that you are caught in a trap, but that is just because you have a suspicious mind. remember, it is now or never. people are getting tired of loving you tender. you need to toughen up, or else you will be carving rocks in some jail house. you heard it here first.
you know, bennett might seem corny after dolphy, but it gets to me. i really think he was the real deal. in fact, for easy listening/jazz/adult pop singers, i go with sinatra, cole, bennett, and sammy.
if you say sam davis, or jack gleason, it seems like a completely different person, doesn't it?
i have corny tastes. i finally fully admitted that. i don't get much out of classic rock, and i haven't heard much hip hop that has impressed me, although i still mourn over the break up of 3rd bass. i thought they were safe, by the way. but yes, i am basically a jazz man. i like some blues and r and b, but they both have to be from the 1960's or before. i also haven't heard much jazz over the last 30 or so years that has done anything for me. classical can be nice, but it usually doesn't kill me. i'm not much for country, although i do confess to liking ray price's version of "for the good times" (god, that really makes me sound corny! maybe i can get a gig as a jolly green giant impersonator? ah, i would probably be too short.) cash is money, especially when he wears the johnny black. folk bores me, although i like the idea of it. dylan, baez, seeger, all good people, but i don't need their records. to me, house is still a place to live in, and grunge is when you need a shave. i am not out of step. i am miles behind, listening to miles ahead. blues for pablo neruda is particularly poetic, although i find the arrangement a little chile.
wasn't it the irish? bullshit! (speaker looks around, like a scared ed child)
pinko knows the story, but maybe someone else will read this. a man is speaking at an anti- war rally, a man who "liked hummus and other strange sounding foods," when someone from the audience contests one of his points. the mood turns dark, and then ivon dixon shows up as a reverend. strike that last remark from the record. in any case, they begin to argue, and the speaker says with great authortity "you're a stupid man!" at this, the other man makes a move to attack the speaker. the speaker quickly switches gears, and says "you're not stupid, you're dog is stupid."
now, let us think about this for a moment. what did the dog do to deserve this insult? he wasn't even involved in the argument! furthermore, what if the man didn't have a dog? would the speaker have said "you're not stupid, you're watch is stupid" or "you're not stupid, that woman over there is stupid?" the speaker was obviously lucky that the man owned a dog. in any case, the whole thing was rather unfortunate. by the way, the dog has yet to receive a formal apology.
and, that's a wrap, until i sandwich in something else.
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