was walking down the street today, when a young girl handed me a card which read "heaven or hell; which one will you choose." Well, if you put it that way, i would suppose heaven.
shouldn't a female latino be a herspanic? speaking of race, i hate it when i have to fill out something where i am required to check off my race. the phrase "white, not hispanic" just doesn't get me off. man, if i could only be hispanic. actually, i think being an alaskan native would really be the shit. of course, being white has its advantages, the main one being that whites aren't as likely to fuck with you. although, in my case, this doesn't seem to apply.
so, from now on, the racial categories should be hispanic, herspanic, yourspanic, and theirspanic. what about the term asian? man, what a vague, meaningless category that is; you got the japanese fighting the chinese fighting the vietnamese fighting the cambodians, and here, according to a bunch of dim white pricks, they are all alike. of course, the whites did it to themselves; the english fighting the irish, everyone hating the jews. but here, they are all white. only, in their case, it works to their benefit.
race is a bitch in this country. in general, the american mind, regardless of race, is so fucked that there is little to no hope. forget about the planet, the people have no hope.
by the way america, grow your own food, if you don't like what you see in the shops. my uncle didn't like the fact that there were signs in korean at the supermarket. funny, but i don't remember him complaining about the yiddish signs of yesterday. meanwhile, my mom's friend doesn't like all the spanish food being sold in her local market, but she doesn't seem to think that we should give back the half of mexico that we took. hey lady, you don't like latino food? don't eat it! better yet, eat it. you might realize that it's pretty damn good.
yeah, these so called liberals; everyone is a fucking progressive. they all mean well.
my uncle also doesn't think black people should get "body art" (isn't that a bullshit term?)because of their dark skin. is manute bol the only black guy this guy has seen? man, bunch of lame shit.
for this they are crossing the border? well, i guess it beats starving and being brutalized by u.s. sponsored death squads.
i guess.
1 comment:
A Few years ago I started filling in the "other" race option. Then I list all the "known" nationalities that my families on both my mom and dad’s sides have told me about. It usually ends up being 7-10 words long until I am satisfied that I have a "good enough" answer.
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