falls mainly on the brains of their spanish basketball teams, turning their collective minds to mush. let's start with pau gasol. why is there no l at the end of his name? this guy deserves to get decked. in fact, as gleason would say, "pau, right in the kisser!" then there is his brother marc. how off the marc could this asshole be? the asshole gasol, the both of them. the pink one tells me the picture has been defended in spain because there are "no chinese there." i can see why! but seriously, what kind of a defense is this? there are few indigenous people here in the states, but that doesn't mean i want to see some white guy beating on a drum and putting his hand to his mouth. so, something is only offensive if there are a number of people around that are in the group being offended? as a white guy, this has always bothered me; it's like we are all on the same team, and therefore, there is no way that any white person could possibly be offended by racist acts directed against non-whites. forget about whether there are chinese in spain or not; every spanish dude should be pissed off by it. the fact that they aren't speaks to the profound power of white supremacy in this so called multicultural age.
john mccain, on the russian invasion of georgia..."this is the 21st century. nations don't invade other nations."
if we take the figures of 2000 killed in georgia by russia, and a million killed in iraq by the us (since 03, that is) the u.s. has killed 500 times more people in iraq than russia has in georgia. maybe someone in the media can report this to bush the next time he gets high and mighty about "georgia's sovereignty." i won't hold my breath waiting for this however.
mingus's jazz composers workshop is damn good, though i miss thad and cello. it does have that intelligent, searching, chamber quality of jazzical. i think it will be dug. all in due time, my man.
back to the spanish team. where is david stern during all of this? isn't pau gasol still an employee of the nba? if i went around at my gig and did that with my eyes, wouldn't i be disciplined or fired? i would certainly hope so, although i'm sure some white dude would be there to say "he was only joking. hey, i know the guy, and he's a good person. this has all been taken out of context." man, i hope a guy like that never has to defend me! but yeah, where is the stern one? i have to think that if ron artest, or allen iverson, or rasheed wallace pulled something like this, we would have a condemnation from the league office. i guess the point is, if you are white, you can do whatever you want, but if you are non-white, you have to be on your best behavior. which, now that i think of it, is how it is!
it occurs to me that the average american is more concerned about his or her weight than starvation and war. other things they are more concerned about...
body odor
erectile dysfunction (really flows off the tongue, huh? well, not while it's dysfunctional!)
bank account
breast size
their blog
i could go on, but why?
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