when people are on the down low, just how low are they? and why is it that people are on the down low, but no one is on the up high? "yo, don't tell nobody, but my boy is on the up high." and what if you are "middle of the road?" "man, i can't believe that middle of the road motherfucker got high all the time, and was on the down low to boot!" did you ever notice you can be something "to boot" but never "to shoe" or "to sneaker?" "man, that guy could sing, dance, and act to sneaker."
something you will never hear a guy say..."i would rather lick her than drink liquor."
me, my brother, and my dad were tossing around ideas on how to get out of jury duty, when my dad said "just tell them you don't believe in trial by jury. rather you believe in trial by fire." i'm thinking of telling them that we should bring the inquisition back, but i'm afraid that i'll get picked if i say that.
vivica fox has been given a tv show. i assume the budget is about eight bucks.
mccain is now leading obama by 5 points. but, have no fear; with a couple of three point shots, obama will be right back in the lead.
where the fuck did some of these librarians come from? and these are the people who read!
something that you'll never say on a job interview when you are asked what you consider your strengths to be..."well, i really enjoy helping people masterbate."
sonny rollins once described his politics as "anti-industrial." i'm just starting to dig what a heavy response that was. the problem is, the anti-industrial party has not caught on with a lot of people. so remember, a vote for the anti-industrial party is a vote for mccain.
mccain, when asked, couldn't say how many houses he owned. this in a country where millions of people don't even have a place to live. this in a country where a man like this can become president. as don king used to say, "only in america."
the right wing should be called the wrong wing. and what about the term "conservative." just what is it that these guys are trying to "conserve?" certainly not the water or the air or our health. no, they have no interest in conserving anything, only in using and abusing this earth and all the wealth and resources they can find within it. and don't even get me started on the liberals. as alinsky said, "the difference between a liberal and a conservative is that a conservative laughs after he stabs you in the back, and the liberal cries." either way, my friend, you are dead.
just found out that cho now has her own show; the cho show. well, i guess she saw bogosian on law and order and got jealous. maybe it's better that lenny was persecuted; at least he couldn't be on any shit tv shows, for it's hard to sell out when you are being destroyed by the system. let's hear it for persecution.
coleman hawkins is playing a beautiful version of the ballad "i want to be loved," which will soon be ruined by a melodramatic ending by red garland. by the way, this song was originally called "i want to be fucked," but they couldn't get it by the censors.
in this country, we may not want to be fucked, but you can be sure that we all will be.
but, for far too many of us, it will be in the wrong way.
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