joe was biden his time, but now his patience has paid off. it seems that obama's first choice, bobby seale, was not available. biden, i remind you, was a stauch supporter of the very same war in iraq that obama claims to oppose. however, he is an older white man. well, i suppose that more than qualifies him. biden, we will hear, was a good choice because he is an "insider," as if being inside the murderous apparatus is actually a good thing. choosing biden is kind of like jfk picking johnson, or the duke picking bentsen, which to my mind, was way off basie. but when jfk picked johnson, he picked a veteran southerner, which seems to me to make more sense than picking a veteran northerner, when a democrat can expect to cop most of the north, regardless of who the vp is. this choice is in line with the whole safe thing that obama is into. my guess is that his run will be so safe that the danger of mccain is virtually assured.
joe henderson with wynton kelly was some pretty wild shit, considering the middle of the road nature of the material. man, joe could go crazy with the best of them, and still play the tune. what a monster. his version of stardust is insane!
pinko, a new film called "trouble the water" is coming out soon, and will play in both sac and beantown. it's about this couple that got a video camera shortly before katrina, and they didn't have the bread to split, so they ended up filming the hurricane and the aftermath. the producers of the movie have produced michael moore in the past, so i'm sure that has helped get it into more theaters than most of these kinds of movies. here, it's playing at the kendall, and i'm sure, your equivalent to that. check out the website man. also, on a humorous note, ricky gervais finally stars in a movie of his own. i saw a trailer for it, and it seemed pretty funny. hopefully, he and his buddy had a hand in the writing, if so, it should be good. that will play in the mainstream joints.
if only miles had played "moonlight in vermont," maybe more cats would play it. now that's a tune.
frida mentioned the diets of hayes and mac as a possible factor in their deaths. let us pursue this further. bernie mac's name in and of itself is pretty damning, don't you think? not a very healthy name. if only his name had been bernie salad, perhaps he would still be here. furthermore, even the word diet isn't very healthy when you think of it. the word diet has the word die in it! in fact, die is 3/4th's of the word diet. when you think of it, it's amazing they lasted as long as they did.
afghanistan claims we killed 76 civilians yesterday. they had pictures of the dead and injured to back up their claim. the u.s. military claims they killed 30 taliban, and is supposedly unaware of civilian casualities, though they claim to be looking into it. i's just a hunch, but i trust the afghans on this one.
and by the way, why are we justified in killing something we call "the taliban?" what have they done to us? we have no right to kill anyone in afghanistan, or anywhere else for that matter, civilian or not. iraqi and afghani soldiers and/or rebels are no more deserving of death than anybody else. they are in their own country. we are the invaders. what would we think if russia came over here and bombed an american army base and justified it because they were soldiers and not civilians? i'm sure most of us (i don't think i'd be too pissed) would not like it at all. of course, they would have no right to do that, just as "we" have no right to do it in iraq or afghanistan. we are the invading army, and are therefore fair game, as far as i'm concerned.
viva el insurgency!
where is joe chambers when you need him? i don't know about you, but i'm not expecting russell malone to write "blues for saddam" anytime soon.
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