but sadly, i don't have the stones to sing it.
i hope all the liberals who are pissed by the selection of biden will say bye then to obama. biden is the same dude who said previously that he didn't think obama was ready to be president, and that he would be honored to run with mccain! how much more proof do we need that it's all one big bullshit deal? speaking of flip flopping dems, don't be surprised if mccain picks former dem, and 2000 vp candidate, leiberman as his running mate. then we could all hold hands around the campfire and sing "let's hear it for the black, the jew, and two senile white motherfuckers." america; the only country that could turn diversity into a bad word.
going from bad to worse, the same prick who wrote that swift boat book about kerry, has written a new book called obama-nation. it has all the right wing smears and white supremacist cracks you could think of and more. in short, it is filled with just the right amount of nonsense and hate that will likely appeal to millions of white americans, and may even help to swing the election in mccain's favor. obama should be exposing this for the crap it is, but if he did this, he would be forced to come off as a progressive, the very thing he doesn't want to do.
speaking of this book, just who published it? who backed it, and why is it the first book i see on display every time i walk into a mainstream bookstore? where is that liberal media when you need it? if you smear a democrat from the far right, your book will be backed, it will be displayed in the bookstores, you will be interviewed on tv, and will be read by millions. but if you critique a democrat from the left, as cockburn did in 2000, and street will do to obama, your book will be ignored, it won't be backed, the bookstores may not even carry it, and you won't be interviewed on tv. i can't think of anything that displays, more than this, how fucked we are as political beings.
well, since you attend leslie, you may say that's fine, berg, but i find that to be a queer response. well, i guess we will cross that cambridge when we get to it. ah boston, the home to harvard and mit. pinko, i didn't have the heart to tell that moron in old sacramento that those schools are really in cambridge. hey, who am i to fuck with his one beantown line that he probably only gets to use once every 5 years? the only mit we have had in boston recently was mitt romney. judging by his name, he took the t, and hopefully he took it a long ways from boston. mitt has been replaced by st. deval patrick, a black irishman, who has fond memories of the march 17 on washington. so far, patrick has stood pat, though i would prefer to be governed by his father pat patrick. believe me, i wouldn't let the sunra catch me crying. in fact, i feel a ray of sunshine everytime i hear charles sing don't let the sun catch you crying.
iran is not the problem. iwalked is.
yeah man, let's make up countries to bomb. that way, no one will get hurt, and the people won't know the difference, because they don't know where anything is anyway.
best idea i've had in minutes.
almost as good an idea as ending this blog.
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