Saturday, February 14, 2009

murdered by militants

word is that a u.s missile strike just killed 27 pakistanis. the murdered were described as "militants." if that is the case, then what should we call the people who planned this missile attack? liberals? conservatives? centrists? post partisan politicians?

how about murderers?

why are the dead militants? because we have been told they are, that's why! if they are "militants," no one tells us why they are militant, or what made them militant, or why only our "enemies" are militant, but never our allies, or us, regardless of how many people they, or we, kill. there is nothing inherently evil about the term "militant." wasn't the warsaw ghetto uprising a "militant" uprising? weren't the black panthers "militant" in their hatred of american racism? this term has become yet another term of demonization to be used against the enemy of the day. it tells us nothing about what occurred. instead, it acts to whitewash brutal bombing attacks directed by "militants" who sit in buildings in las vegas, as they direct pilotless drones by remote control that kill dozens of people we then get to call "militants."

such a society is beyond sick.

it is dead.

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