Tuesday, February 3, 2009

when you stop and think about it, the whole thing is really quite mad. we throw people in jail for murder, as our presidents sign off on bloody wars. obama gives his ok for 22 pakistanis to be killed, and no one blinks an eye. israel destroys the gaza strip, as we get excited about super bowls. people starve all over the world, as corporations spend millions on advertisements. companies go under, as ceo's get gigantic raises and bonuses. and it's all tied together by either our passive acceptance, or our active support. yes, for we "revolutionaires" pay taxes too. we also get up each morning and go to work, for there is no landlord i know of who lets marxists live rent free. we hold our silence at work, as apolitical idiots surround us, mouthing tired cliches. we stare at computer screens, as if there is something behind those screens that can actually do something for us. little do we know that the game is basically over; only the final score remains to be detemined, not whether we, as a species, can actually win the game. yes, there are many great people, and they do great things. but, it is over for the species. the lies are too vast, the hypocrisy too deep, to be combated. all one can do is attempt to keep the machine at bay. play a cd here, hit a rally there, and be with loved ones.

and keep a smile on your face.

it beats tears.

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