Tuesday, February 17, 2009

17,000 more troops to afghanistan

this is a middle ground, according to the new york times. how about sending no troops, and removing the ones that are already there? what ground would that be? i doubt the people who will be killed are going to feel better, knowing they are being put to death by a man whose father was kenyan, though i could be mistaken. in the meantime, i am forced to watch people disguised as human billboards, as they parade around as obama clones. do they care how many troops are sent to this or that country? or was it all just some identity contest, akin to supporting actors and singers of a certain hue? change in america is a funny kind of change, a surface change, divorced from substance. we get to feel good, and ignore the misery of others at the same time. how convenient. for us that is.

change has come to america, and yet, it seems so like continuity. of course, our change has pissed off the small dicked red necks, but they never really drove policy in any case. hey, i like to see them pissed as much as anybody, don't get me wrong, but real change would be more than that. for one thing, it would mean that we stop bombing the shit out of people. ask the 100 or so pakistanis who have died since the big o took power how much has changed. sadly, for them, quite a bit, but for the empire, not so much.

so, the books will be written. songs will be sung. kids will be inspired.

as bombs fall and pilotless drones kill.

for murder, you see, can be quite the multicultural celebration.

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