Thursday, February 12, 2009

mills could c wright

what c wright mills called the "power elite" is alive and well in the united states. in fact, it is even more entrenched now than in the mid 50's, when mills wrote his classic book with that title. i am reminded of this all the time, and thought about it yet again with the confirmation of william lynn the third to the number two position at the pentagon. for lynn, you see, is a raytheon executive, and raytheon makes many of the weapons the pentagon goes on to use in their brutal wars. the senate vote to confirm was 93 to 4, despite some vague populist rhetoric from mccain and a few others, who all made sure to vote for lynn's confirmation. mills, in his book, wrote about the power elite comprising the economic, military, and political spheres, and how the three interact to control power within america. someone like lynn encompasses all three components. the power elite is neither republican or democrat, but bipartisan. to have someone who works at raytheon switch to working at the pentagon should be considered a farce. in a true democracy, it could never happen. but of course, our "democracy" is anything but true.

remember those liberals who always ranted about cheney's conflict of interest, since he worked with haliburton? where are these fellows now?

i suppose it's hard to hear them, as their voices tend to get muffled from the bandwagon they are all riding on.

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