Monday, February 9, 2009

this is what a real president looks like

Bolivia Enacts New Constitution

In Bolivia, tens of thousands of people gathered on Saturday to mark the enactment of a new constitution. About 60 percent of Bolivians voted last month to advance indigenous rights and reaffirm state control over Bolivia’s natural gas reserves.

Bolivian President Evo Morales: “Since colonial times, we have been fighting against invasions and against oppression, and in this constitution of the Bolivian state is enshrined the deepest aspirations of the most neglected sectors, such as the workers and the indigenous people."
The new constitution will give the indigenous majority more seats in Congress and greater clout in the justice system. It also officially recognizes their pre-Columbian spiritual traditions and promotes indigenous languages.

imagine if we recognized our "pre-columbian spiritual traditions" and promoted "indigenous languages." what if we had a government, that instead of babbling endlessly about "the middle class" instead spoke to "the deepest aspirations of the most neglected sectors, such as the workers and the indigenous people." that might be "change that we can believe in." in the meantime, let us recognize the real leaders of today.

hugo chavez and evo morales...presente!

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