Sunday, October 21, 2007

the mellish plan for complete communities and socities of scale

(if you have not read the mellish plan for world renewal, the previous blog, please read that first)

the economy..

after the expropriation of rich individuals and corporations, a vast redistribution of wealth, and a gutting of the military budget, the mellish plan becomes more enveloping and radical in scope. from these moves we turn to the abolition of money. in its place, a unified system of bartering will be instituted, in which people give their skills and services in exchange for their various needs and wants. for example, silberg is an expert on jazz, sports, and radical politics. in the mellish world, silberg can teach this information, either in his own house, or at a learning center, to people who want to learn about these subjects. in return, he will receive what he needs to survive from the society.

there will be no chain stores. no burger kings, walmarts, best buys, none of it. these stores, with all of their wealth, will be expropiated. if someone wants to start a restaurant, he will receive the necessary training at a cooking center, and be granted a humble piece of land and building in which to house his eatery. this will be the man's "job". people will come in and eat a limited amount, but enough to satisfy their hunger. in return for the service the man offers, he will in return receive services that he needs to survive.

thrift "stores" will be centrally located where people can drop off things they no longer want in exchange for things that they do want. instead of mindlessly producing new gadgets, we will be encouraged to share what is already in existence. hence, we will create a "society of scale"

animal rights

all hunting and fishing for fun will be abolished. natural habitats for various species will be respected and cared for. zoos will be abolished. we have no more right to imprison a lion than a lion does to imprison us. all testing on live animals will be abolished.

health care

the research, time, and energy that goes into "curing" baldness, "erectile dysfunction", hair removal, and vain plastic surgeries, will be put into finally ending malaria, tuberculosis, and other preventable diseases, which still kill millions throughout the world. all people will be entitled to the same care. doctors will treat everyone with respect, and will explain to their patients in plain language what the issue is. the importance of diet and exercise will be stressed. doctors will also strongly explain to their patients the necessity of all of us combating environmental degradation and the part that it plays in increasing cancer rates and other health concerns.

complete communities

a new housing arrangement will develop. instead of individual living arrangements, new constructs will develop that combine the personal and the communal. housing developments which house between 200 to 400 people will take the place of individual houses. each development will have a communal library with video screening room, stage for musical performances, and stereo, nursery, park, laundry, health clinic and small store, and will be conveniently located to public transit. the public transit will allow the residents to access the various learning centers, restaurants, and slightly more elaborate health clinics and markets. each residence will be surrounded by greenery, and be ethnically diverse. traveling educators will give lectures, and residents will teach other residents what they know. the transit system will eventually phase out most car use. highway construction will be halted. no longer will communities be built around cars. walking and the use of bikes will be encouraged, as various trails and paths will be created. nature will be valued and restored to the fullest of our abilities.


anti-racism, and respect for all cultures will be the most important aspect of our culture. learning centers will be created that point out our racist past and its genocidal results, but these same centers will also demonstrate the rich history of resistance of indigenous, black, and other oppressed peoples. their music, art, film, poetry, and other cultural manifestations will be on full display.
racism will be attacked and condemned strongly when it occurs. if someone makes a racist remark, they will be ostracized by their peers and made to feel foolish. organized racist groups will be picketed, and attacked if necessary until they fade into oblivion.

the culture of various white peoples will also be respected and taught. who in our society truly understands the contributions made by emma goldman, eugene debs, abbie hoffman, hellen keller, mother jones, and so many others? centers which emphasize union history, working class history, and the culture of various ethnic groups will begin to correct this ignorance.

mellish has spoken. he will now eat a hot dog with mellish on it and ketchup on his reading. further plans for world renewal are in store.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

on second thought, Cyborg 2008. a hot dog with catsup and extra mellish should be your running mate.

Anonymous said...

I'm not so sure about the communal living. What will happen to us hermits in the Mellish regime? Will the Cox's be allowed to live with the Cyborgs?