foreign policy
all defense corporations will be expropriated. all forms of bombs will be abolished. there will be an international security force that will be sent when needed to areas of conflict. they will be versed in the areas of persuasion and non-violence, and will only resort to violence when there is no alternative. in addition to the international security force, there will be international teams of doctors, architects, educators, carpenters, farmers, etc that will strive to create a decent, uniform standard of living throughout the world. the emphasis in foreign policy will be in this direction. for an example, look at how cuba sends doctors throughout the world to treat the sick. with the resources of the world at our disposal, we could multiply this example a millionfold, wiping out diseases, eliminating poverty and greatly lessening conflict along the way
the u.s. will apologize to the world for the genocide it has practiced both at home and abroad, and will eagerly take part in these international endeavors to create a more healthy and peaceful world.
women's rights
abuse of women will be dealt with by women themselves. self defense centers exclusively for women will be opened, and private instructors will be available to teach classes in the communal developments. if a man abuses a woman once, he will be harshly warned. if he does it a second time, he will be dealt with in the manner the women see fit.
all areas of learning and interest will be completely open to women. there will be separate components in each health clinic that specifically deal with areas particular to women's health. information on reproductive health will be readily available, and nurseries operated by trained child care specialists will be available in each communal development. child care will be viewed as a "job" and a skill that women can teach others as their bartering tool in exchange for the services they need.
people will be considered married if they feel themselves to be married, and they will be divorced when they decide they are not a couple anymore. people will live in the manner they are most comfortable with. if they want to have more than one partner, they will communicate this to the people involved, and not live a life of lies. hopefully, they will find others who want to live the same kind of life as they do. people who are sexually active with more than one partner will be strongly encouraged to protect themselves within their health clinics and in public service announcements. mandatory aids testing will take place every six months, and a positive result will lead to the partner/s of the infected person being immediately contacted. the normality and beauty of healthy sexual relations, including homosexuality, will be demonstrated to children in learning centers and health clinics starting at the age of 12. parents and guardians will of course be free to begin educating their children at an earlier age.
the giant agricultural behemoths will be expropriated. the use of pesticides will be GREATLY reduced, and abolished whenever possible. crops will be grown so that the people can eat them, not to be sold half way around the world. organic farming will be greatly encouraged, as in cuba, where all the farms are organic (did you catch that one, pinko?) communal farms will be instituted, and family farms will be encouraged and supported by local residents. all people will be encouraged to grow their own food. each communal development will have its own community garden with guest instructors to demonstrate how to best maximize the land. our system of bartering will serve us well here. if one area grows certain crops, they can trade a portion of that crop for a crop grown in another area, hence, insuring that all areas have the food they need.
international borders
there will be no borders. people will come and go as they see fit. as all efforts will be made to create a uniform standard of living throughout the world, immigration will be greatly reduced. of course, people will still want to travel and explore different parts of the earth, but they will do so from a desire to learn and not out of economic necessity. borders are lines drawn in the sand, not fit for thinking beings. this is not to say that people can not love their place of birth, or prefer certain climates, but when these sentiments are stripped of their nationalistic and materialistic moorings, they will be equivalent to liking jazz more than classical, or baseball more than football. they will not be a cause for conflict, but a matter of taste. the resources and food of an area will be first be used to satisfy the needs of the people in that area, and the remainder will be used as a bartering tool to attain other needed resources. these transactions will be made from a position of equality by all concerned.
1 comment:
this is communist filth . . . i'm a socialist who bathes 3 times a day. dog bless you, chairman.
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