now, the word is that the government will offer a 700 billion dollar bailout! 700 billion. now that's small government. yeah, that will show these companies what the free market is all about. i leave it to you to figure out what the american people, or any people for that matter, could do with 700 billion dollars. i'm pretty sure we could end homelessness, or institute a quality national health insurance, or even feed a lot of hungry people throughout the world. but no, something called the "economy" is more important.
pakistan continues to fire at u.s. jets. i can't wait until they hit one.
recently, cuba has suffered tremendously from hurricanes. there has been a ton of property damage, and thousands have lost their homes. it follows that many have died, but that is not the case. in fact, not one cuban has died! the cuban government evacuated everyone before hand. in fact, days before, the public was informed of the seriousness of the situation, and was given days to prepare for the evacuation. this from an impoverished island which has been systematically targeted by the most powerful nation on earth for close to 50 years. compare this to the 1,800 documented deaths due to hurricane katrina, and the complete lack of any evacuation plan by the city of new orleans. in cuba, they don't ignore the poor and the non-white in times of emergency; everyone is protected, everyone's life is valued. no wonder our government can't stand them.
i am so detached at work; it's like this person who looks like me, sounds like me, and wears my clothes, is not really me. who is this person who makes photo copies, and tells students to be quiet? who is this man who pretends to think that math and science, as they are taught in public school, are important and worth knowing? who is this man who tells students to sign in when they are late, who says for students not to use "foul" language, and then goes home and swears at a tv set? who is this guy who works at a public school during the day and then thinks to himself that mandatory schooling, grades, standardized tests, the achievement gap, and all the rest of it is total bullshit. yes, this man is me.
i guess when you get right down to it, i don't know what else to do. the thing is, i don't think anyone is gonna give me 700 billion dollars. yeah, that would hasten my retirement by a few decades.
anyone interested in making a contribution?
i'll even settle for 700,000.
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