wow. for the moment, the house has stood tall. 2/3 of republicans, and 2/5 of democrats voted down the 700 billion dollar hand out to the corporate structure that created the problem in the first place. good for them. yeah, i know they did it because the election is coming up, and many of them probably could not afford a yes vote. others were likely offended by pelosi's speech blaming republicans for the issue. and it is also true that the house will probably cave soon, and reverse their vote. but for now, this is pretty hip. i hope that the dow jones falls further than mel torme's chin.
meanwhile, a new military spending bill of close to 600 billion dollars was approved. now that's one corporation that never has to worry about whether they are going to be bailed out or not. funny, but not one mainstream commentator or politician has mentioned just how much war costs, and how that may be connected to the over all financial crisis. if the "economy" is in such bad shape, how do we have hundreds of billions of dollars for the military? we have money to destroy iraq, but not to rebuild new orleans. i don't think the issue is really the "economy," but rather, our lack of collective compassion and decency.
the movie "flow" is very good. to frida and vincent, i strongly recommend it.
the more i think about it, the more i back nader.
in the year 2016, i plan to run for president of the united states. at that time, i will be 37, and that, coupled with the fact that i was born in the u.s., allows me to do this. i will be running in the american idle party. for now, i am calling for a 20 dollar minimum wage, a 20 hour work week, the abolition of prisons, a 99% reduction in the military budget, free sex on demand, israel out of the occupied territories, for mit to study peace, and for everybody to eat food not bombs, especially the soup. furthermore, i call for the abolition of mandatory schooling, for the institution of universal health insurance, for affordable housing and the abolition of land ownership. i call for the destruction of all foreign military bases and for reparations for the victims of u.s. bombings. i call for comprehensive reparations for the indigenous, the descendents of african slaves, and for the poor of all races, in the form of massive public works programs. i call for free and quality public transit, and for the assassination of chris botti.
yes, 2016 will be the year to break from the two party system.
i mellish this opportunity.
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