a right wing preacher recently asked his congregation to pray for rain, so obama's speech couldn't take place. wow man. whatever happened to praying for peace?
protesters have been getting the shit kicked out of them at the rnc. amy goodman was even arrested. it's around this time that someone usually warns about the dangers of fascism, as if it weren't already here. they have been raiding homes, breaking down doors, throwing things around. i suppose we are all in iraq now. the republicans are in your face fascists, no apology. meanwhile the democrats lag behind them in the fascism department, but they don't oppose them. they are junior partners, and the left doesn't need to be partnering up with no junior partners. we need an opposition.
the preemptive strike is everywhere, and it always has been. hey, if you can bomb countries without cause, i suppose you can detain people here, also without cause. we keep increasing the limits on atrocities, until they are next door, and perhaps, at our own door. but, have no fear, because a majority of americans will support anyhing that is done by those in authority. the average american will rave about our free speech rights, and then degrade each and every person who attempts to actually use those rights.
i remember a few years back, i made a short speech opposing the war in iraq. a guy came up to me and said, "you couldn't say that in iraq." i responded, "i'm pretty sure i could say that i am against america bombing iraq in iraq. and, by the way, if you think my being allowed to speak my mind makes america so great, why don't you let me speak?" and this whole freedom of speech thing is overrated. both i and george bush have freedom of speech, but his views get put into practice, whereas mine are ignored. the key thing is access to power. almost every single one of us is powerless, regardless of our views. if the power elite has decided to go to war, what does it matter if a majority of people are opposed? and how free are those opposed when their ideas are not incorporated, in any way, into our foreign polcy? with freedom like this, who needs fascism?
as far as freedom goes, we are free to buy what we can afford. yeah, the freedom to buy. i don't remember that in the bill of rights, but that's really all we have. that is your right, living in a capitalist society, and in truth, it is your only right. but, even then, sometimes they fuck with you, like when they didn't serve me and tixon in bertucci's, or when they give me my food to go, even when i state 2 or 3times that i would like to eat it in. yes, if you don't look the part, even this freedom can slip through your fingers from time to time.
supposedly the christian right is energized by mccain picking palin, as if there was any question who they were gonna vote for. ain't no dumb literalist who worships a blue eyed blond haired jesus gonna be voting for obama any time soon. hell, he could have selected a dildo as his vice president, and they would have voted for him. you watch, there are millions upon millions of white motherfuckers who are gonna get a cramp when it comes to lifting their arm and writing in obama's name. as big a shit as mccain is, don't be suprised to see dead man walking in the white house, and i don't mean the movie.
speaking of dead man walking, both candidates are for the death penalty. man, a black man being for the death penalty? that's like a mexican being against immigrant rights.
i'm gonna go see david bacon next week. with a name like that, i hope he's not jewish.
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