who nose how long it will take for him to do so. the problem is, peter feels that he is trapped in a box and one is hard pressed to figure out how he can get back into his comfort zone. by this i mean no offense, so there is no reason for peter to get defensive. perhaps as a result of this he will block my calls, but eventually, with an assist from friends, he will rebound from his current difficulties. my only hope is that he is not caught stealing.
woody allen once said that if he could be anyone else, it would be bud powell. sure. as if he would choose to be a black man born in the 1920's who suffered from mental illness. powell, by the way, was a genius of the piano, which is why allen made the comment. allen also once said that his one regret in life is that he is not someone else. therefore, allen's one regret in life is that he is not bud powell. due to this regret, allen has recently taken to living like a monk. he even told elmo, when he was a guest on sesame street, that there was no hope. he then drank a bru with beck, a close bud of his. beck told him to take five beers for the road, but to "leave one for my baby." woody walked for miles and got so drunk that he thought he saw red. it was a sonny day, so he decided to return to alto acres. his decision was on the mark, and considering he hadn't eaton a while, he passed on going to a jazz record store and instead went out to lunch, which was a far cry from his original plan. on that blue note, most men would have cried wolff. i ain't lion. but it was at this point that woody decided to go down by the riverside, for, as he put it, "orrin or your out, and i wanted to stay out." however, this plan was not safe, and i was not fonda it. what if he were to run into 12 angry men, or if eight men were out looking for some good sayles, and happened to gang up on him?
stay tuned.
man started in africa, and will soon flush himself down the john.
just started chester himes's "yesterday will make you cry." pinko, david says it's cook-ing so far. if only himes had been an american idol. sadly, rick fox is probably better known.
i've heard that sacramento is thinking of throwing a parade for the 2002 kings. i hope it happens. that would be bad ass.
as good as that kings team was, i don't think it's automatic they would have beaten the nets in the finals. remember my tirade about the officiating in the nets-lakers series? well, it's doubtful the kings would have been handed that series as the lakers were. therefore, the nets would have been much more competitive. k-mart could have put some good d on c-webb, kittles was better than christie, and kidd too strong for bibby. having said that, i think the kings would have taken it in 6 or 7.
just wanted to build up some suspense.
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