the chevy ended up in a chase, i tell you straight.
nader has accused the big o of "talking white." since i haven't heard obama say "like" 345 times in the course of a speech, nader may not be accurate with this statement. seriously, this goes back to something i have been saying for a while, which is why i am jamaica pond-ering a lawsuit against nader for stealing my ideas. in fact, i was gonna wear the lawsuit, but i didn't have a good pair of pants to go with it. and why is it a pair of pants when it is only one pair of pants? how is it possible to have one pair? the next time a guy is playing cards, when he has one 6, he should say he has a pair of 6's. might add to his back account.
now, we can question the phrase "talking white," especially coming from a man of lebanese descent who is not known for dancing a killer lindy hop. but the tenor (i will deal with the alto later) of his remarks are true. the latest example of the big o's paleness came with his reaction to the supreme court decision banning the death penalty in cases of child rape. now, of course, child rape is a heinous act, as is rape in general, but dig what this reaction of his means. apparently, obama thinks that being convicted and being guilty are the same thing. if he were "not talking white," perhaps he would have made a speech pointing out this compelling difference. alot of black men, and other unlucky souls (and bodies for that matter) have been convicted of crimes they are innocent of. you would think a "liberal, progressive" would be aware of this. in fact, a real progressive would talk about how the courts and police often work in a racist and class biased manner against blacks, native people, latinos, and the poor of all colors.
now, what of the death penalty in general? what are we, still in old testament times? and speaking of the old testament, i seem to remember "thou shalt not kill" in there somewhere, but you better check me on that, for i haven't opened a bible in a while. so, we are going to show that rape is bad by doing the one thing that is worse? and the death penalty, like convictions in general, tends to be applied in a racist and class biased manner. check out who is on death row; ain't too many buddy rich motherfuckers there, i'll tell you that. just trying to be a drum major for peace, folks. that's me; a shelley manne of compassion.
this law would have made it ok to muuder convicted rapists who have raped a child, not necessarily named chris, 12 or under. i hate these arbitrary cut off points; what if the kid had just turned 13? "man, you are lucky you didn't rape 2 days ago. you would be one dead asshole!" now, again, rape is a terrible thing, but what about a guy who rountinely beats the shit of his kids? should we kill all child abusers? what's worse, one rape or a thousand beatings? and of course, many of these pseudo-moralists out there who are repulsed by child rape continue to tell us to "apply the rod" to our children. now, i don't know about you, but the only rod i want being applied to children is that of rod serling. (it took all i had not to write "serloin." pinko, i hope you aren't too down on me for this gutless display.)
so yeah, obama's sound is a little too pale for me, but i'm not running for president either. to win in our culture, i suppose he doesn't have much choice, but that doesn't make what he is doing right. what it is going to take is people making systemic critiques of the system, and some of those people will have to run for office and try to build political parties. of course, they will have no chance of winning, and maybe they never will, but the society needs to hear these arguments clearly stated and made by those who can reach a mass audience. it is not only winning that counts. standing for something also counts.
hey man, just stand for good things, and then you can talk any fuckin way you want.
and by the way, when you think about it, child rapists are "applying the rod." you would think they would make our authoritarian, christian, moralists out there happy. but sadly, it seems that no one wants to come together in our culture. well, i'll keep trying to build bridges, todd.
build bridges in yugoslavia, don't bomb them.
better yet, give the death penalty to those who bombed bridges in yugoslavia.
i'll have to ask the big o what he thinks of that.
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