they had a parade for the celtics. thousands upon thousands of fans came out, many of whom can not tell a defensive three seconds from an 8 second violation. mike bibby commented on how today's c's fan was a fair weather fan. well, they were out and about today. on my bus they came, and on the streets they walked. i took it all in. i want to remember it all. for when they lose next year, it will be all the more sweet.
a few more words on this "disgusting display." i am tired of hearing ray allen being called "sugar ray." the last i checked, he has yet to beat the shit out of lamotta. damn, this bull has me in a rage.
after the c's beat the fakers, garnett was interviewed. he seemed to be genuinely overcome with emotion. he then yelled "anything is possible!!" though infantile and borderline retarded, i thought this was a true display of joy. the next day, after hearing this boorish display on the news, tixon pointed out to me that "anything is possible" is an adidas slogan! garnett, the seemingly excited ad libber, was all the while pushing a product. no, he wasn't overcome with emotion, but rather, with capitalism.
by the way pinko, garnett is the kind of black athlete they like; always pounding his chest, screaming incoherently, investing the game with false significance through his melodramatic displays. c-webb was too smart for them, wallace too defiant. they like simple minded energizer bunnies of dubious intellect. if you haven't guessed it, garnett has just joined the mellish shit list.
for the 08-09 season, mellish will be rooting for the cavs, the magic, detroit, dallas, phoenix, blah blah blah. in short, he will be practing his abc's.
anybody but the celtics.
isn't there always a layer of sadness? sometimes it's thin, but isn't it there always? luckily, humor does battle with it, and sometimes wins.
thad jones is playing. there is such beauty in his tone, a beauty that no music school can teach. a factory produces robots. life produces thad jones. the music schools should be closed, and the doors of life should be flung open.
my, that was corny. forgive me. it's just that one would like to see it go down right for once, you know? it's not like the truth is hidden in some cave somewhere.
we keep filling up the silences, and that's not the answer. and we are left with the junkyard of man's inventions, where once there was silence.
an example of how hopeless it is; once, i was searching for the ball scores in the paper when the guy behind the counter began swinging the door near the cash register. "this isn't a library" he stated. i had spent a significant amount of money at this store, as it was directly under my apartment. but this didn't matter. you see, this man was invested, he was looking out for the integrity of the store. in that moment, he was the store. he had no identity, no mind, separate from it. he was what hoffer would call a true believer. this country is full of them. the individual just doesn't stand a chance amongst them.
so i never went there again. if i could only get rid of the memory.
cannonball is speaking now. he was good at it. i think i would have been the quiet type though. play the music and get the fuck out of there. but i'm happy that the cannon did his thing. i dig his voice. he's got that folksy thing. and man, could he play.
man, life without music would be tough.
what would be worse; to be deaf or blind?
that's easy; to have a paper cut.
i'm surprised that line made the final cut. well, no blood, no foul.
1 comment:
What I meant to say is "Impossible is nothing." But I messed up because I'm going to disneyland. I'm just gonna do it. My advice to youth is to obey your thirst and think outside of the bun. The NBA is your one stop family shop, everything you need. Always. Wassup Today? Innovation is our Pursuit, ya know it's the real thing. You're in good hands because we bring good things to life. Seriously, you deserve a break today.
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