Monday, March 3, 2008

on why i didn't ask my girl to the game

we are hanging around, me and the coworkers. i tell a couple of them that carlin opened his latest hbo special by saying "fuck lance armstong." they only get about 10 percent of it, miss most of it. a little later, eddie, brother of the teacher i work with, lays one on me. he says he saw a comic, "alot like carlin," who said "obama is always talking about change. change this, change that. what is so different about a black guy around the white house begging for change?" then, he laughs at his (someone else's) "joke."

fuckhead, this stiff is nothing like carlin. carlin fucks with the favorites, the punks in power, he doesn't tell tasteless gags which appeal to our ignorant heritage of white supremacy.

my reaction? i mumbled "that ain't right man," because, sadly, murder wasn't an option. ah, the burdens of whiteness! i get to hear the unedited bigotry of my fellow crackers, who think, because of my pale skin, that i will dig their racial backwardness. furthermore, this guy is one of my better coworkers!!! of course, his idea of a seven course meal is a six pack and a potato (i figure if tixon was ever gonna excuse this line, this was the time to use it) but he is still tighter than some of the others. also, his sister is the teacher that i work under, (i was gonna throw in a lazy sex joke about how she likes to be on top, but i wouldn't touch her if the fate of herbie mann depended on it) so, any static with him would blow the vibe for the rest of the year.

the moral? never underestimate the racism and arrogance of white people, even poor ones of limited intelligence who have no reason to feel superior about anything.

and to tixon, i apologize that i don't feel more comfortable bringing you around these fuckheads, but know always that my hesitation is a condemnation of them, not of you. my god, it is hard enough working with them as it is. if the eddie's of the world saw us, they would get very quiet. i would no longer be seen as white and i wouldn't hear as much shit. and the silence that would proceed would be louder than anything i have heard so far.

believe me, we will seen by many stupid white motherfuckers before our lives are over.

they aren't going anywhere.

remember what country we are in, but let us always keep plugging with everything we have.

and that is why i didn't ask my girl to the game.

even though the line was spoken 5 days after the game.

all the lines are the same.

the white man,

always repeats himself.

and the lines never get better.

1 comment:

ultrafknbd said...

Every once in a blue moon, someone will ask me where I'm from. And I take the opportunity to say from "back East."
"Boston? New York?" they chime.

I don't know what that has to do with anything you wrote but it simply came to mind.