Sunday, June 21, 2009

it was a great day

so, i am a married man. it's similar to being in a great relationship, but with a tight, gold thing around a finger on my left hand. the wedding was great. i survived, remembering to stand still, speaking semi-clear english all the while. a beautiful couple opened their home to the event, for which i will be eternally grateful, or at least until i stop breathing or lose my mind, whichever comes first. seriously, it was a sweet affair, with plenty of smiles and good will. a fine woman did the service. she rose to the occasion, gaining strength as she went, and she spoke with a great humanity that pervaded the place. tilberg looked beautiful, with a flower in her hair, despite not being in san francisco. our vows were nice, hers especially so. i was reminded of flowery words i wrote long ago, and was surprised that stoic silberg could reach such romantic heights. there were plenty of laughs, as my old man qualities were made clear to the multitudes.

then, the service was over, and the oldies were turned on. my dad got to do his usual 2 hours on jackie and johnny and sam, and the other old timers also enjoyed the grooves of their youth. a friend of tilberg's made enough food to feed a small army, which will hopefully be used to overthrow the u.s. government at a future time. there was chicken and rice and mac and cheese and pudding and salad and much besides, all of it as good as anything tasted since man first walked the earth. tixon made a bean salad that everybody loved. i, as usual, just stood there, something i've gotten pretty good at, i must say.

the female james earl jones spoke fine words in a toast. this woman has a voice and style to die for, and a sense of humor to boot. her presence acts to automatically improve any setting she's in. then, mama tixon prayed over the food, unlike me, who once preyed over some food. her words were very kind. mama tixon can speak to a room as well as anybody, and has a personality which can dominate her surroundings. most importantly, she has a big heart and a warm way, and i like her more and more as the days develop.

of course, there are a few sour apples in every cart, but even these homo sapiens have a certain character like quality which make them entertaining, if only in small doses.

my parents were overjoyed. it was a pleasure to see mom seemingly wearing a smile as if the grin could not be removed. many told us it was the greatest wedding they had ever attended. i agreed, as i had never previously attended a wedding.

in short, it was a thrill. i am honored to coexist with a great woman, and this day further cemented our joyous journey. i hope for decades more, though i'm sure our bloodthirsty politicians will do their best to fuck with my plans. in any case, what a day it was.

thanks to all of you, for you each added a little something, which added up to a great day for mellish.

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