Sunday, January 11, 2009

some on the left...

are upset that the u.s has turned down a request of veterans suffering from ptsd. the request is that such veterans be granted a purple heart. now, i ask, what kind of "leftist" would waste his time trying to get "our boys" more medals? what would we think of a german left that spoke out for their courageous soldiers who risked their lives in moscow, only to be denied governmental recognition? with a left like this, who needs a right? instead of purple hearts, how about some war crimes trials? what does giving a guy (who has been destroyed by the imperial machinations of his government) a medal gonna do for him anyway? i've had enough of this "honor our veterans" bullshit. why don't we honor the people that our veterans killed? why don't we honor the nations that our troops, and our leaders, and our tax dollars, helped to destroy? yes, we need to fund mental health services. yes, we need to bring health care to all of our people, including veterans. but we certainly don't need to honor those who helped to ruin vietnam, or iraq, anymore than germany needs to honor those who invaded poland or the soviet union. my, it is madness! only in america could such nonsense be discussed by a supposed left. it is lunacy. it is the left's job to oppose war, not honor those who fight them. yes, we should encourage veterans to speak out, and honor those who have found their voice to oppose u.s foreign policy, but we have no business in trying to broaden the categories of those who shall be "honored" by our government. furthermore, where is the honor in being driven mad by using napalm on vietnamese children? where is the honor in being poisoned by using agent orange to destroy a peasant nation that meant you no harm? we should pity such men, not honor them.

fuck you america, with your purple heart.

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