Sunday, January 4, 2009

and the beat goes on

as the ground troops enter after the bombs killed 500, bush reminds us that hamas is a "terrorist organization." for, you see, they have killed 3 people over the last 10days, as compared to the million or so that bush and his cronies have sacrificed for the good of imperial plunder. at the un, the u.s vetoed a security council resolution that called for a cease fire. but, of course, we want peace in the region, as we arm the main player responsible for the violence, and bomb other countries directly with far greater violence. it would be funny if it were not so sad. so, the troops march on and in, tearing down mosques, bomb shelters, homes. of course, before all of that, they took out the electrical grid, and the sewage systems, so hospitals now run on back up generators. they bomb at night, so no one can sleep, and the sonic explosions lead to blown out ear drums, and ptsd. as israel copes, and terror is fought with bombs that terrorize people. and we in the west wonder why people are angry, as we watch reality tv and jerk off. it would be a riot if it wasn't such a riot.

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