Monday, October 22, 2007

if i were jesus the carpenter i would mc hammer in the alonzo morning

hamas remember this, we are trapped in a hezbollah of confusion, so we should probably just mel it in and listen to the velvet blog. she wore blue velvet bluer than velvet were her eyes and juicy lucy were her thighs, wrote horace silver, a member of the horace race who wore superman's cape verdean blue genes when he hung out with ammons down at the club with the drifters. the four of them were the tops in my book. we need mo town's like the place they were born free in. born free as free as the grass grows. people everywhere just want to be world b. free. perhaps if we could stop being such rascals we would be free at last. ahh, silberg tells me to go one pun etta time, but i just can't help it, courtney sanders loving you baby is all i need to get by as long as i have you. there may be rainn wilson and the prince of darkness due, but i won't complain, i'll sea it through and keep my head above water, having good times all the way. you may norman lear at me, but i'll get to best buy as long as i office max out my potential, because working hard is a staples of my personality. don't worry, there are more bad puns in store, but supplies are dwindling, so get them while you can can, ok shirley? or, perhaps it's time you make a mclean break from reading this jackie. you can do it, for where there is a wilson, there is a helen way singer singing back up at the live at the copa album from 1962 on brunswick records. eugene made a record of this comment, and told me to continue to keep the blog chi-lite. i said, listen sun records, don't tell me how to blog, unless you can hit like wade bloggs, whose website has had over 3000 hits. andre has even gone on it, which i find odd. you may not know what i mean, but i think this blog is prime meridian mellish, and that i am really finding the range.
adan came to school today for the first time in two weeks. alas, he still can not adan subtract. i signed a new subtract, but i still don't have health benefits. adan was thinking of dropping out of school, but instead showed up today with a shirt with the white house on it that said "murda capital" two weeks off have seemingly turned him into che guevara. what you che? hit the abbey road jack johnson, and don't you dare to keep kids off drugs and to jennifer deflower our young white girls who just want to have fu-un. i bet that threw you for a lauper.
i'm out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hola! Manuel Díaz, El Cordobés, y su esposa Virginia han presentado este mediodía a la salida de la clínica a su hija Triana. La pequeña nació el pasado domingo en la clínica sevillana Sagrado Corazón. El diestro ya tiene otros dos hijos, Alba, nacida de su matrimonio con Vicky Martín-Berrocal, y Manolo, fruto de su unión con Virginia. Ambos ya conocen a la pequeña Triana que ya se encuentra en casa junto a sus padres.