Wednesday, October 24, 2007

david used to have hard times but now he is a newman

my brother ray told me that when we sailed in the charles river, but i was blind to its meaning at the time. this is the first time i have tried to blog and listen to music at the same time. the tune? david newman's recording of hard times, a sexy song filled with innuendo. you know what i always say, don't you? love flies out the door when money comes innuendo. i give that line high marx, so don't get groucho if i use it again. just get down to monkey business and don't duck soup the difficult circumstances that need to be confronted, for it would be a horse feather in your cap if you are able to overcome them. i promised i would get to the harold land recording of the fox, but rick wanted to play something else, and i was too sheepish to argue with him. speaking of the old recordings, they don't mike the artists like they used to. i spoke to pinko about this, whose girlfriend is an artest. i'll phyllis you in to the rest of the conversation at a later date. i bought a girl a red rose once when we went out on a date, and she accused me of being a communist for it. i became stern and said sarahnara to her. she was a plane jane anyway, and the adventures of old christine was coming on that night here comes the night, so nothing robin ventura nothing gained.
pinko, when you move, don't forget to pakistan getz record, because they getz better with each listening. have you though of relocating to the middle east? i am syrias. i know you are caught betwen iraq and a hard times, but david thinks you would be a newman if you moved in to john africa's old house with eddie, one of my favorite people in the whole horace race. he is a mann who has been taken for granted for too long. i was taken for cary grant once by a tracy artist who made a movie to draw me when i was walking through a meadow with audrey and picking flowers with jennifer and judy in a garland of red. living such a life is the alicia keys to my success, for i have a rick flair for nature, boy, and i have a cole blooded ability for being able to identify a gnat a miles away, any davis of the 8 days a week. i am also good at identifying beatles, but perhaps i should let this be, and dream of yesterday, because it has been a hard day's night that has made me want to twist and shout. isley clearly now, wilson has gone. don't rainn on my parade, for i'm having a ball, and whether lucy appreciates it or don knots, i don't care. i will continue to spinners this yarn, and i'll be around to work my way back to you babe whether you like it or not. sonny, i make no bonos about it, because girl my persono i cher like sonny bono, and my beato goes on because i've got nothing to luz. somehow, i college of management was able to throw that line in
n. tixon goes to austin in a couple of weeks. iran into my buddy guy steve in lawrence and he told me it is nancy stone cold there, and that when you go to the john, it is hard times getting your pants back up. these lines are straight ahead, sailing over the atlantic. i elmo hope you sea what i mean. ahmet every word i said. i say the same things to ron cey. cey you cey me cey it forever.
my friend, you've got to bear down and not panda to the masses. instead, visit chicago and go to a cubs game. you may think i'm full of bulls, but listen jackson, steve kerr ain't walking through that door, so stop dogging me around. you better stop, yeah, dogging me around, which reached #1 on the r and b charts and #15 on the pop charts in 1960. it fills me with excitement, mr. to mention it, and as i thought it was the honorable thing to do, i spoke up.
dare to keep yinka dare off drugs. he needs to get hemp to the jive 5, and celebrate good times in the kool of the evening with the gang and marry juana, his childhood sweet heart. i used to live in the hood, but my head got too big, and i had to move to another illinois jacquet. i lived in garelick for a while but i got behind in the rent, and was eventually kicked out because the owner had a rule that none of his tenants could go see cats on broadway. this caused me to stomp away from that derrick location. now, i have a new living arrangement, and while the strings are a little syrupy, i enjoy living in a log cabin with my aunt jemima in vermont. there is charlotte church nearby, where i attend mass every sunday. you mass remember what i'm ron ceying, ok? if you don't, i will belittle you and you will turn pinko in the face.
peeps, until we meat again, shop organic. start with larry young's recording of unity, which i picked up at shaw's market and which gave me a woody when i first heard it, but i was too young to know what hard times truly were.


Anonymous said...

Con el regusto de un fin de semana intensamente familiar debido a la entrañable celebración del bautizo de la princesa Arianne, la más pequeña de las tres hijas de Guillermo y Máxima de Holanda, la reina Beatriz y los Príncipes de Orange han vuelto al trabajo esta semana lejos del calor del hogar, en el marco de una visita de Estado de cuatro días -hasta el próximo sábado-, a la India. Un viaje que tiene como objetivo principal estrechar los lazos económicos, comerciales y culturales bilaterales, pero en el que los Príncipes se dedicarán también a tratar las áreas en las que están especializados, la ecología y la gestión del agua en el caso del príncipe Guillermo, y la microfinanciación en el de la princesa Máxima. Una visita que ha levantado gran expectación en la India hasta el punto de convertirse en primera plana de todos los periódicos locales.

Anonymous said...

People should read this.