Monday, August 24, 2009

a lot of people are saying they don't want the government involved in health care. well, what do they want government involved in? torture? war? environmental destruction? it's ok for the government to kill people in iraq, but not to save babies in detroit. what bullshit. and now, they want to tell us obama is a socialist and a fascist. well, which one is it? does anyone recall that the nazis invaded russia and killed millions of its people? sometimes, they put that little hitler mustache on obama. ok, fine, but where are these people when the bombs fall? they never make those rallies. where were these angry rednecks when bush was raiding the treasury and starting imperial wars? where were these angry heartlanders when hurricane katrina did its damage?

the truth is, obama's plan, or lack thereof, is nothing much, but this ugly hatred being directed at him strikes me as the stirrings of a 21st century american fascism. these people are worse the government, and that's saying a lot. their stupidity disguises the fact that obama is in fact moving very slowly on health care. his ideas are corporate friendly. he has never argued for a medicare for all, single payer approach, so anything he comes up with is liable to be bullshit. but still, do these angry protestors (some of them likely paid agents of the radical right) think the current set up is good? do they like 46 million people being uninsured? do they like the rising premiums, the uncaring insurance agencies, the rising health costs, the bills for those with health care and for those without it? just today, i went to get some blood work done. i was told that my health plan may not cover it. how can a health plan not cover blood work? i pay about 2 grand a year for this care. how could this even be a question? i wonder what those folks who want to take america back would think of this story. i would love to screen sicko for them, or better yet, salud, but they would just write them off as left wing propaganda.

yeah, everything is left wing propaganda.

until you get cancer.

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