Friday, March 20, 2009

canada: no place of peace

i just read that four canadian troops were recently killed in afghanistan. to be honest, i never really thought of canada being there, although it makes sense that they are. for years now, canada has been in on various imperial adventures. canadian policies are a far cry from the vietnam days, when they took in thousands of war resisters. in fact, there are 2,500 canadian troops currently in afghanistan, and 116 of them have died there since 2002. the number of people these troops have killed or injured will likely never be known, but is surely far higher than 116.

the problem with the world is not simply america. it is also that too many nations go along, sending their own troops, electing their own imperial leaders, living their own version of consumerism and anti-environmental life styles. the guilt can be spread wide, and surely includes canada.

even if they do give their people health care.

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