Monday, December 15, 2008

gosh darn

word is that a "suspected" u.s drone just killed two people in pakistan. the drone fired a bomb directly into a house. i didn't know there were move members in pakistan.

i recently read that caroline kennedy has had contact with governor patterson of new york about her becoming senator of new york now that hillary is off the scene. supposedly she wants patterson to "nominate" her for the position. this is on the heels of the controversy in illinois, where the governor is being accused of trying to sell obama's old senate seat. now, how is it that a governor has the power to nominate, or in any way determine, who will be a senator? a senator is an integral part of the federal government, while a governor runs a state government. how is it that someone in state government can help to determine who is in the federal government? and what of the people? aren't we supposed to vote on who will represent us? if a governor can nominate a senator, than that senator will have the advantage of being an incumbent, so when they do have to run against an opponent, they will be more likely to win. what right does caroline kennedy have to just take over clinton's seat without being elected by the people of new york? and why should the governor of new york be involved in the process at all?

to some extent, we are all to blame for this nonsense. anybody named bush, or kennedy, or clinton, gets automatic consideration as a politician, regardless of their credentials. in the city of philadelphia, the sons of rizzo and goode both have positions in the city council. this means that the people of philly actually voted for the children of out and out criminals. rizzo need not be described in these quarters, but may i remind you that goode was the mayor when the decision was made to attack the move organization with a bomb, killing 11 people in the process. the people of chicago, not satisfied to have elected "shoot to kill" richard daley sr, have now given us his son, also as mayor. daley jr and obama are quite close, by the way, and it's hard to imagine any guy named daley being for "change we can believe in." so yeah, why is caroline kennedy even in this position? is it not like nancy sinatra telling her daddy she wants to sing, and then being given a record contract? we are a celebrity culture, and that culture pervades the political arena as well. how else to explain the ascendency of reagan, and the modern rise of the terminator?

us americans like to recognize the tune. we don't care about the issues. we don't care about who is the most qualified. most of us don't even read, and many of us can't. we pick a side, and then we root for that side. we play politics as if it were sport. but we have no sense of humor about it. we have no shame. we think we actually know what we are talking about. in truth, we vote for the party our parents voted for, or for the candidate the media tells us has a chance to win. we get excited about vague concepts like hope and change. we vote for the guy that we would rather have a beer with. we hold hands and sing songs. we are on different teams. the democrats vs the republicans. we care. if only we could control the government, all would be well, the democrats have thought for the last years. how quickly they forget the burned peasants of vietnam, and the victims of hiroshima. there are no good guys in the american empire; some may be worse than others, but none are good.

but the guy who feels that way isn't allowed to play the game. he "can't win." he is not a legitimate candidate. his ideas are beyond the pale. they are extremist and polarizing.

which is another way of saying they are true.

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