enough of aretha's hat and her cleavage. enough of mrs. obama's gown. enough of judge roberts botching the oath, though it was likely the intentional act of a roaring racist. enough of alice walker's ball sucking of the big o.
but there are other things i would like to hear more of. why is dick head cheney in a wheelchair? please tell me more! i want to hear how many homeless were rounded up from the streets of dc. i want to hear the percentage of these men who are black, considering that the rise of obama signifies the fulfillment of the dream. i want to hear someone explain just what this dream is, and if the dream is merely about success or power, why didn't colin powell or condi rice fit the bill? i want someone to explain how the 170 million used on the inaugural could have been spent on housing the poor, or feeding the hungry, especially considering the supposed economic crisis we are experiencing. how much money was spent by the 2 million people who came to dc to "experience history," and how could that amount of money been spent to help us through this "economic crisis." it should be pointed out that every dollar spent on an obama t shirt, mug, hat, condom, or dildo, is one less dollar spent on the real needs of millions of people. the obamas tell us that we need to serve others; could they at least condemn such crass consumerism? if obama is really concerned with helping people, why doesn't he say "instead of wasting that 10 bucks on a shirt with my face on it, likely made by oppressed children in the third world, you should put that money toward helping people." surely, such a statement would have an impact. why has it not been made? of course, no major political leader in this country criticizes consumerism anymore. business is king, and no one, even a president, dare say a thing that fundamentally questions it. so, we talk about tough times as millions spend 500 a night at a hotel to watch a man who will live in a mansion become president. our media moans about gowns and hats and shoes. we speak of hard times, as millionaire singers such as beyonce torture our ears with strangled cries today known as popular song.
tough times? you bet.
in this country, they always are.
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