state senator diane wilkerson, a progressive black woman, has recently been charged with accepting bribes totaling over 23,000 dollars. sadly, no one has charged the many regressive white men in our government for accepting the loss of millions of lives to further their imperial foreign policy aims. where are the authorities to cuff cheney, send away rumsfeld, and to imprison bush? no, they would rather harass the petty crooks while the real criminals run the government. they would rather prosecute men for seeking gay sex in a public bathroom, than to prosecute straight men for starting wars. and when they do prosecute one of these petty crooks, they tell us that "no one is above the law." oh really? the federal government is not above the law? the corporations are not above the law? think about it.
please seek immediate medical attention for an election lasting more than four years.
i was watching cnn yesterday. people were calling in to say who they are going to vote for on tuesday. one guy, a mccain supporter, said he is going to vote for mccain because his three year old son has cancer, and he doesn't like what obama is going to do with health care. he didn't say what he was actually going to do. then, an obama supporter called, and she couldn't even pronounce the word "redistribution." just for once, can we stop glorifying "the people."
there was finally an article about third party candidates in the globe. did the article tell us what these candidates stand for? did it interview them? no, and no! of course, the article was about how third party candidates could impact the election, or rather, how they could play the role of "spoiler." even when they get coverage, it's not real coverage. our political system is beyond rigged.
so, tuesday is coming. it will soon be over. the more i hear about mccain, the uglier it gets. according to counterpunch, his wife has gone to the hospital several times with bruises and cuts. on a more surprising note, i learned that on a 60 minutes in the mid 90's, mccain actually said "i'm a war criminal. i killed women and children." why haven't we heard from the so called liberal media that mccain once described himself as a war criminal? you would think this would be something worth hearing. and by the way, why is it ok to kill men? we always hear that "women and children were killed," and that of course, is a terrible thing. but what about men? why should they be killed? i certainly wouldn't want someone to drop a bomb on me just because i'm a man, and i wouldn't consider my death less of a crime because of my gender. in any case, i find this admission by mccain remarkable, but i am not in any way surprised that it has been ignored.
the truth, as always, gets lost in the shuffle.
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